Nov. 6-8, 2023 | Ottawa and online

FWD50 took place on November 6-8, 2023 in Ottawa's Lansdowne Park. See the Agenda.

There have been 272 posts and 905 favourites with the hashtag #fwd50 on Mastodon.

@honeygolightly speaking at is using the example of digital teams but a lot of what she is talking about applies to every functional area in government

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Gardening is a recurring metaphor for digital transformation work at

Ursula Franklin’s metaphor of earthworming for social change—preparing the soil, a generational task—really resonates: lucascherkewski.com/study/eart

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I just spent an hour at a workshop on data and analytics where I was ostensibly an expert. Instead, I got to cohost and moderate a discussion among the extraordinary conferees at , who quickly shared the depth and bread of their expertise in public service, & tried to nurture open conversations that created far more value than we captured. A reminder of what a privilege it is to be here & of the latent & applied knowledge within this community.

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Loved @honeygolightly ‘s talk - it was honest and authentic, full of heart and not short of challenge to the digital gov orthodoxy - brilliant! #FWD50

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Always “bring the human into the work.” So much focus on user needs, loving your users, but Riley reminded us that our teams are human, too.

Indeed, the best teams I’ve been on have “loved” each other as much as their users. Caring for each other, having each others’ backs, and generally focused on health and belonging.

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Amy Kirtay talking about the work in British Columbia on their Digital Code of Practice and especially the work they've been doing to create content to support the principles to show the *how* and how they tried to work in the open to create the code of practice - 😍 #fwd50

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I'm surprised this is the first time I've heard the term "bureaucracy hacker", but I like it!

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“Expect to see way less password questions, because not only are they annoying, they also don't help you.” (Cheers in the room!) Xiaopu Fung #fwd50

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Dusted off my classic ‘national disgrace’ ONS website story for the #FWD50 FailFest - been years but still lands 😆

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“What if we found people who struggled with government services, and hired them to help us design better services?” Martha Edwards #fwd50 @marthaedwards

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I forgot to bring my laptop or my notebook down to but I do have a bag full of stickers so say hi 👋 if you want any!

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”The right of First Nations communities to control access and ownership of their data is a fundamental part of self-determination and the protection and development of their culture.” From the First Nations Information Governance Centre fnigc.ca/ #fwd50

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"It's not just the technology that we need to change and implement. It's the culture." Minister Terry Beech #fwd50

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@fwd50 I do hope that at the end there will be a report on what social media has been most effective for this great event. Mastodon seems pretty active (thanks to @sboots call to action) but I'm curious if I'm biased. LinkedIN will also have some great material too.

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Watching the introverts introvert @honeygolightly weaponising her awkwardness at #FWD50 ❤️

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“We need to prove that we can do hard things. We have to be very direct when decisions that are being made around policy, complexity, change, are affecting our ability to deliver. We often speak a shrouded language in government, that doesn't make people feel uncomfortable. We need to be more direct.” Catherine Luelo #fwd50

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I always love Alistair Croll's introductions from . The @fwd50 conference is just such a great opportunity for government leaders to get together and challenge us all to take on the Herculean task of building effective government services. This requires us to build services that citizens can trust. Loved the salmon analogy.

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