38C3 2024

Day 3 (3573) ๐ŸŒˆโ˜”๐ŸŒฆ๏ธ๐Ÿ„ (79)

Some up coming events this year for those who like 38C3:

* Offdem (Belgium)
* Cryptorave (Brazil)
* Easterhegg (Germany)
* GPN (Germany)
* Hackmeeting.org (multiple)
* Bornhack (Denmark)
* Tbd.camp (Netherlands)
* Why2025 (Netherlands)

Forgetting many, feel free to add in replies. Let's make this a hacker event thread.


22 13 2

Feminist server chaos session at 1400 today. At ufo in hall H.

7 3 0

Nice iranian/persian hiphop in the club right now.

7 3 2

Parental unit anarchist assembly is worried about a smolhai, went alone to the 0200 meet up on day 1? Hasnt been seen since. Smollhai likes to sing and fly. please inform parental unit if they're ok or bring them home. BoostOK

1 3 0

Hmm, free AI served coffee in hall H. Just need to convince an very rude LLM to serve you.

4 1 2

Congress days are always so packed I forgot what day it was. Day 2... Talks, workshops, postcards, postoffice, conversations, seeing friends, trying to pick up a dodgy looking usb stick from a specified location from someone from the internet. Distributing stickers.

I've also been appreciating the online critique of to reflect on why this is such an important event for me. Good stuffs this year. Thanks everyone! blob_rainbowheart

5 1 0

Good morning! Today is *checks calendar* day 3! Which is *checks calender* a Sunday in the outside world, meaning many shops are closed. might be able to be of assistance however.

Don't forget to drink enough water and use more bandwidth. Take (and give when able) care! blob_rainbowheart

10 1 0

mail is piling up, help them get rid of all mail before the event is over and help with deliveries!


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One thing I'm appreciating of my congress commute in the morning: fresh hot pretzels/brezels with seeds and salt.

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Hi, my friend managed to convince the LLM coffee machine to offer her a coffee without even asking for coffee. Ace approach too. But really deserves more postcards. So please sent her congratulatory postcards. <3

Dect: 3296

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