38C3 2024

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Co2 levels in Hall H are 1500ppm This is low enough oxygen to affect your thinking. Please keep this in mind and get some fresh air once in a while.

25 16 3

Looks like hamburg is having rendering issues...

Too many users? Or someone DDoSing the gpu?

22 2 3

It's a wet foggy morning in Hamburg, moving my way through it via s-bahn for angel shift.

7 0 2

38c3 travel? โœ…
38c3 place to sleep?โœ…
38c3 ticket? โœ…
Return train ticket? โœ…
GPN23 lodging? โœ…

Just need to pack :)

7 0 2

Some up coming events this year for those who like 38C3:

* Offdem (Belgium)
* Cryptorave (Brazil)
* Easterhegg (Germany)
* GPN (Germany)
* Hackmeeting.org (multiple)
* Bornhack (Denmark)
* Tbd.camp (Netherlands)
* Why2025 (Netherlands)

Forgetting many, feel free to add in replies. Let's make this a hacker event thread.


22 13 2

Looks like past-me gave a me little post congress, nye gift: I'm traveling 1st class home.

I do somehow always screw up the direction when booking tickets? I want to travel forward but the seat selector isn't left to right?

4 0 2

Nice iranian/persian hiphop in the club right now.

7 3 2

Hmm, free AI served coffee in hall H. Just need to convince an very rude LLM to serve you.

4 1 2

when you can't find your dect phone minutes before traveling before (edit: found)

(also anyone got a psu for a yeahlink desk sip phone?)

3 0 1