The third challenge is selective disclosure where a user can choose which data is sent however when it comes to digital signatures, the data cannot be edited or changed. The fourth challenge is unlinkability, where transactions cannot be chained together to track / profile people. #38c3
There are many use cases like opening a bank account to using SAAS services. The law has already been passed but should be implemented by 2026, however there are some issues. #38c3
EU Governments as part of eIDAS will be offering wallets to citizens that will have many capabilities to allow signing documents, identifying yourself among others. #38c3
ACE up the sleeve: Hacking into Apple's new USB-C Controller by @stacksmashing #38c3
The manufacturer showed several misleading photos during their presentation and even included photos of trains that were in a different workshop which had no relevance to the discussion. Nothing was mentioned about the software locks. #38c3
Classic signatures where built for machines and not people. Machines don't care about privacy but people do. Cryptographers were asked about the options to solve this problem. Anonymous credentials could be used to solve this problem through zero knowledge proofs (ZKP). The use of ZKP can enable the proof of data without revealing the underlying data. For example, you can prove that you are older than 18 without revealing your date of birth. #38c3
One of the issues is over asking, relying parties must register public use cases around what data they need. However, the EU wants to leave it to members to decide what will happen. The user must be warned what data will be shared. #38c3
The second issue is unobservability where tracking an profiling can take place. The eIDAS can enable surveillance depending on how it is implemented. If the private keys are local, there is not much metadata that needs to be sent. However, if this is handled by government HSMs, this can enable surveillance through the use of metadata. #38c3
The team reported the findings to the authorities. Deloitte also assisted with the audit. In December 2023, the team went public in Worsaw and then at 37c3 in Hamburg. #38c3