38C3 2024

Day 2 (3596) Jared Naude (140)

If you want to help fight censorship with the Tor project, please run WebTunnel Bridges!

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The Tor project has also created a governance processes for relay operators. This allows operators to contribute ideas and have the community vote on these ideas.Not all of the ideas have been received well by the community.

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The framework for investigations is based on the Berkeley Protocol on Digital Open Source Investigation. The investigation starts with monitoring, assessment, collection, preservation, verification, analysis and reporting. The Tor project wants to help volunteers to stay vigilant on protecting the Tor network and its users.

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Combating bad relays is hard as it takes time and expertise to investigate the associated data. Tor has created an open source investigation proposal to help with investigations. False positives are real and need to be reviewed with adds further to the challenge.

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Community is the key for a healthy Tor network. Tor is taking action against bad operators, nation state actors and other malicious actors (Crypto bros, etc).

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Tor wants to help network operators to run relays in different networks and AS's to help with diversity of the network.

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By using congestion control, it eliminates the speed limit of the current C-Tor. This also helps with network performance and the utilization of available network capacity.

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What can we do about the network diversity issue?

One idea is to overcome location biases by looking at the bandwidth that a relay can offer and then the directory authority can influence the path of a circuit.

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The graph below shows data from RIPE Probes. This data potentially has a good overlay with the Tor data. Cloudflare Radar data paints a similar but different picture. The diversity in the Tor network is a major concern.

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A goal of the Tor project is to have diversity across networks, platforms as this means it is more secure against attacks. Diversity also means that a single government is limited to what they can do to the Tor network. This leads to the strength of the Tor network.

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