38C3 2024

Day 2 (3596) Jared Naude (140)

If you want to help fight censorship with the Tor project, please run WebTunnel Bridges!

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Tor has approximately 8000 relays and 2000 bridges which has grown by 30%. The Tor project still has a healthy amount of bandwidth and the distribution of users is good.

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Guardians of the Onion: Ensuring the Health and Resilience of the Tor Network by Hiro & Gus

This talk will cover recent news, the current state of the network, how we determine its health, and the strategies to strengthen its resilience, addressing challenges around sustainability and governance. 🧵

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A goal of the Tor project is to have diversity across networks, platforms as this means it is more secure against attacks. Diversity also means that a single government is limited to what they can do to the Tor network. This leads to the strength of the Tor network.

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When the Tor project thinks about Network Health, they think about security, functionality and reliability for all users. Along with proper governance, removing bad operators and growing the community.

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A summary showing infection mechanisms and the forensic artifacts that are left / removed when an infection occurs.

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From Pegasus to Predator - The evolution of Commercial Spyware on iOS by Matthias Frielingsdorf

An analysis how exploits, infection vectors and methods of commercial spyware on iOS have changed over time.


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One of the concerns is that network concentration is happening where Germany and United States host most to the relays. The same is true when looking at AS numbers that are hosting relays.

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Tor has put out a blog post to address the question if Tor is still safe to use in response to journalists asking the question.
Blog post: blog.torproject.org/tor-is-sti

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Community is the key for a healthy Tor network. Tor is taking action against bad operators, nation state actors and other malicious actors (Crypto bros, etc).

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