38C3 2024

Day 4 (3306) Jared Naude (140)

An event of this scale involves countless hours of meticulous planning, setup, smooth execution, and careful tear-down.

HUGE thanks to everyone who contributes their time / money to make this incredible community event a reality.

(Photo @leah)

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Next up is the Chaos Post (@ChaosPost).

- 48k Postcards used
- Postcards were sent to 59 Countries.
- 902 Online postcards where 328 where marked as delivered.
- 300 Archive Postcards were delivered
- More than 23 new postcard designs

There was a new Photo2Postcard service. New coloring postcard for kids.

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Next up is the developer of the Android app for the Fahrplan. 4006 people installed the app.

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Next up is the Hub and Assembly Team who runs the assemblies, Nav, Self Organized Sessions and also aggregate the schedules to send to mobile apps, infobeamer, etc. There were 230 individual events and >700 assembly organized events. There were 141 badges.

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Next up is Chaos mentors who pair new people with experienced mentors.
- >25 Mentors
- >75 Mentees

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One of the problems was that a general evacuation meeting was scheduled but it was opened to 800 angels which nearly broke the system. Don't pile angels in a shift. The team expected an Angel shortage on Night 3/4 but actually happened on the first night due to the access control requirements.

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Next up is the Heaven / Angel team.
- 4691 Angels arrived and 3481 angels that worked at least 1 shift.
- Around 4 years of planned shifts + 2.18 years of worklogs
- 6653 Shifts in the System
- 114 Locations, 67 Angel types and 134 shift types.

Most of the new shift types were the result of the new evacuation requirement.

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There were 443 patients that went to CERT. Most people did got go during talks. Most of the time that was spent by patients at CERT was choosing the right band aid.

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Next up is C3 Cert (@c3cert). This year was quiet, there were only 156 incidents. Most of these events were the result of broken glass. The most dangerous place at the conference is the entrance hall where most incidents happened. Day 2 was quite busy.

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One of the main problems this year was that the number of talks increase and the break time is decreasing. This was solved by using a new distribution tool. The audience was able to tune in via the new audio portal.

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