115 popular projects on Mastodon.
Python Hub
@[email protected]Interesting articles and projects for Python developers
LINux on MOBile
@[email protected]Hi! This is the main Fediverse account of a blog about LINux on MOBile devices – linmob.net. It's has been restarted in 2020 because of the PinePhone.
Used to be https://identi.ca/linmob. Also on the birdsite: https://nitter.net/linmobblog.
Free Software Foundation
@[email protected]Fighting for essential rights and freedoms for computer users since 1985. https://fsf.org
@[email protected]Brooklyn, NY USA - Manufacturer, open-source hardware, certified Minority and Woman-owned Business Enterprise (M/WBE) Teaching, sharing, #engineering #DIY #electronics #opensource #opensourcehardware #hardware #python #circuitpython #arduino, #raspberrypi #art #hacking... account is managed by @ladyada @ptorrone no bots, all toots are from either ladyada or pt, blame them :)
@[email protected]World's leading Linux and Open Source web portal.
@[email protected]Your guide up a mountain of information!
@[email protected]GNOME is a free and open-source software environment project supported by a non-profit foundation. Together, the community of contributors and the Foundation create a computing platform and software ecosystem, composed entirely of free software, that is designed to be elegant, efficient, and easy to use.
@[email protected]I really like xkcd, so I post them here as soon as they are released. Feel free to boost or favorite my toots if you enjoy them. – Made by @lx in #Rust
@[email protected]Open Source Hardware evangelist. Designing OSHW linux computers certified by OSHWA.
C & C++ Weekly
@[email protected]Articles, projects and tutorials about #Cprogramming and #CPP.
Weekly newsletter: https://discu.eu/weekly/candcpp
Python Weekly 🐍
@[email protected]Articles, projects and tutorials about #Python.
Weekly newsletter: https://discu.eu/weekly/python
Webdev Weekly
@[email protected]Articles, projects and tutorials about #JavaScript, #CSS, #Wasm, etc.
Weekly newsletter: https://discu.eu/weekly/webdev
Le Portail des médias libres
@[email protected]Revue de presse quotidienne par l'équipe de Basta! (@bastamedia) qui sélectionne le meilleur de la presse indépendante à partir d’une centaine de sources fiables, toutes indépendantes des grands intérêts commerciaux, industriels et financiers. Avec, des grands dossiers « événement », des articles classés par thématique et une carte des alternatives.
Ruby Weekly
@[email protected]Articles, projects and tutorials about #Ruby.
Weekly newsletter: https://discu.eu/weekly/ruby
@[email protected]Das Medienmagazin: übermedien.de
Python Software Foundation
@[email protected]This is the official PSF account. We promote, protect, and advance the Python programming language, and support and facilitate the growth of a diverse and international community of Python programmers. #python #PyConUS
nixCraft 🐧
@[email protected]Enjoy #Linux, #macOS, #FreeBSD & #Unix like systems? #Opensource software & #programming? Enjoy #Sysadmin & #DevOps work? Follow us to make the most of your geeky IT career.
@[email protected]Free. Cross-platform. Open source. A developer platform for building all your apps. Run by the .NET Community team at Microsoft.
@[email protected]Since 2001
PHP Community
@[email protected]Building and enriching the PHP community.
Want to learn PHP? Check out:
- https://phptutorial.net
- https://phptherightway.com