11563 awesome accounts on Mastodon.

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Überlebenskünstler (er/ihm)
@[email protected]

Abstinenzler, Antikapitalist, Buddhist, Doomer, gewaltlos, Klimaaktivist, Öko-Anarchist, wiss. Bibliothekar.

Android, , , Datenschutz, , Frieden, Gleichheit, (Bring them home!), IT, , Korruption, , Palästina, , USA.

Favs, RT, Teilen, Zitate ... ≠ Zustimmung!
Keine Verantwortung für Links oder fremde Quellen!

Copyleft: CC-BY-NC-SA

Drogis, Rassist*innen, Schwurblis, Sexist*innen, Totalitarist*innen u.ä. geblockt!

Last posted Less than a day ago
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Above Maidstone
@[email protected]

Aircraft flying within an approximate 10 mile radius around Maidstone. I am very noisy!

Some of the information might not be accurate, I am working to improve accuracy.

Posts deleted after 7 days.

Last posted Less than a day ago
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Tucker's Balz 4 Harris/Walz
@[email protected]

🥥 Eye'm not the kind of guy who likes to stir things up, folks.
But if Eye can fuck with Large Language Models -- erroneously referred to as Artificial Intelligence -- by substituting the word "Eye" for the proper pronoun "I" -- heck, why wouldn't Eye?
PS: Eye boost A LOT. 🥥
, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .

Last posted Less than a day ago
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Douglas McMillan
@[email protected]

Sommelier, brewer, guitarist, woodworker, gamer, motorcyclist, Linux fan. Amateur in all.

Former Software Developer

Kanata, Ontario

Last posted 1 day ago
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nemo™ 🇺🇦
@[email protected]

The answer is, 101010

I ❤️ FOSS and GNU/Linux

I ❤️ cats

I also ❤️ anime/mangas

The philosophy of my life is:

"Act only according to that maxim whereby you can, at the same time, will that it should become a universal law."

"Wo Unrecht zu Recht wird […]"

„Für den Triumph des Bösen reicht es, wenn die Guten nichts tun!“

Im Übrigen möchte ich anmerken, dass die AFD keine Alternative ist, sondern eine Schande und eine Katastrophe.


(eigenes Genre)

Last posted Less than a day ago
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Linux user, System administrator, Vmware admin. Fedora all day every day. :sm64_6::sm64_4: fedora

Wheel of Time fan


Last posted 1 day ago
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Following 66
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Bob the Traveler
@[email protected]

Linux / networking / cybersecurity consultant, traveler. "OTD" = "On this day".

Last posted Less than a day ago
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Stats from corona.lmao.ninja/

Reply to my toots with "sub" or "unsub" to subscribe and unsubscribe to get daily notifications for that region.

Bot source github.com/comster/covid19_sta

Created by @jeffpelton

Last posted 1 day ago
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@[email protected]


Last posted Less than a day ago
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Usuário exclusivamente de linux desde 2007

* instâncias/servidores do fediverso com ".br" no nome do domínio embora hospedadas fora do país são uma baita sacanagem (sim, tô falando de masto.donte.com.br, mastodon.com.br e pixelfed.com.br, todas hospedadas nos EUA...)

Last posted Less than a day ago
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Living in Tucson, Arizona, USA and formerly a system administrator at the Kitt Peak National Observatory, the Large Binocular Telescope Observatory, and the computer science department at the . Slowly learning Swedish and bass guitar; I'm a Balboa and Lindy Hop swing dancer, and was once an occasional West Coast Swing instructor too.

Last posted Less than a day ago
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je fais de la photo, beaucoup de Linux et tout plein de chose autour d'Internet.
mais pas du tout un fan du solutionnisme technologique pour faire semblant d'être écolo, qu'on arrête plutôt les délires cyniques et hypocrites !
très grognon (mode turbo grognon même !) depuis un moment.

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts ▼ 80
Followers 355
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Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle
@[email protected]

Médico de família e comunidade, doutor em epidemiologia, editor científico certificado. Interessado por pesquisa em atenção primária; ciclismo urbano; software livre; ficção científica e fantasia; e muito mais. Nascido em 340 ppm.

Family and community physician, doctor in epidemiology, certified scientific editor. Interested in primary care research; bike commuting; free software; science fiction and fantasy; and much more. Born at 340 ppm (he/him)

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts ▼ 75
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Following 195
@[email protected]

Xennial, Chaotic-Neutral, INFP, kind not nice

Oregon <- California <- Arkansas

Web Developer HTML JavaScript CSS Web Components Custom Elements Progressive Web Apps PWAs Service Workers ShadowDOM ReactJS Lit GraphQL Playwright

Classic Cars Air-Cooled Volkswagens EVs Bicycles eBikes

Video Games Retro Gaming Emulation Anbernic Handhelds VR Sega

Serverless AWS ActivityPub Open Source Linux

Coffee Mushrooms Gardening Pumpkins

Last posted Less than a day ago
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Unabashed lefty married to a terrific woman. Animal lover, especially cats but also dogs, birds—heck all of 'em. Audiophile, vinyl collector. Retired urban planner. Failed novelist.USAF Vietnam vet. Currently a big John Fahey fan. Born in Chicago, lived in Denver, Colorado Springs, St Louis, DC; in San Diego since 1999 and not about to depart until climate change demands it.

Last posted Less than a day ago
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Incorrigible Maker for HARRIS
@[email protected]

Banner: F-105F Wild Weasel over North Vietnam 1968. Been there; done that. I took this picture

Avitar: Caricature of old, bald man looking askance. Me! I created it long ago

College @ MissStateUniv;
20 years USAF (320 combat missions);
Soccer (20 yr player, 15 yr coach, once retail store owner);
Past Dir of FL Adoption Reunion Registry;
Computer Professional (consultant, developer, Sr. Software Engineer - data storage/access);
Angler (bass tournaments, now just fishing)
Thoroughly RETIRED

Last posted Less than a day ago
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oldfartjmb says FREE PALESTINE
@[email protected]

I think of myself as an old hillbilly hippie. I've had several careers: Physics, personal counseling, computer science/software development. Unix/Linux.
Now I'm an old retired guy. I read a LOT. I think of myself as a liberal progressive politically. Some people know me as KB6QL.

I love the Grateful Dead. I love Gracie Slick. I also love the work of Johann Sebastian Bach. I have loved their work for more than 50 years. Oxford comma. Born at 310ppm CO2.

Last posted 1 day ago
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Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦
@[email protected]

Hacker, activist, free-softie ◈ techie luddite ◈ formerly information security and infrastructure at isnic.is/ and occrp.org/ ◈ my opinions are my own etc.


profile image: drawing of a head and shoulders of a cat-person, in a space suit.

banner image: long-exposure photo of a large tent, brightly illuminated from inside, looking as if it is made of lava

(public toots CC By-SA 4.0 if applicable)

🇪🇺 🇵🇱 · 🇧🇦 🇮🇸 · 🇺🇦

Last posted Less than a day ago
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Washington, DC, USA Transit
@[email protected]

Totally Unofficial RSS Relay (VRE, MARC, WMATA)
In perpetual
Reactivated on 2023-01-10

Feed information is in pinned toots.

Last posted Less than a day ago
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5G Inside

Da manche eine Bio toll finden, dann schreib ich mal hin was mir Spontan einfällt, da eigentlich über mich nix tolles zu schreiben gibt^^

Fahre gern E-Scooter (Super um Fix von A nach B zu kommen) Interessiere mich auch für EBikes und Lastenräder.

Finde Autos nicht doof, nur die dummen Autofahrer die da meist am Steuer sind.

Sonst finde ich vieles Interessant, merkt man meist am Kommi drunter :)

Mehr fällt mir gerade nicht ein was hier so stehen könnte

Last posted 1 day ago
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