2652 awesome projects on Mastodon.
Bimber 🇵🇱
@[email protected]jestem dziwny :D
@[email protected]Nemo_bis 🌈
@[email protected]Plant-based thoughts [it/en/fi] from #Helsinki, #EU on #copyleft, #commons, #DigitalRights, #OpenScience, #libraries, #climatecrisis, #peace. #Queer.
More #wiki, #GNU, #Linux and #FreeSoftware updates occasionally at #Wikimedia Italia (@wikimediaitalia).
Digital Empowerment Project
@[email protected]🌐 Digital Empowerment Project
💡 Für digitale Souveränität & Open-Source-Lösungen
📢 Wir unterstützen selbstorganisierte Gruppen mit sicheren Tools für Zusammenarbeit:
#SelfCheck #DigiChecks #Kollicloud
💻 Wissen teilen statt verkaufen. Für mehr Teilhabe und Gemeinschaft.
✨ Fokus auf: #Datenschutz #Barrierefreiheit #Inklusion
🔗 Mitmachen? 👉 www.kollicloud.de
Radio Unitoo
@[email protected]An Italian WebRadio, born on 15/11/2019, broadcasting RoyaltyFree music and dealing with issues related to the world of Free and Open Source Software, suitable for listeners of any genre / creed / age.
@[email protected]FEAR no more the heat o' the sun,
Nor the furious winter's rages;
Thou thy worldly task hast done,
Home art gone, and ta'en thy wages:
Golden lads and girls all must,
As chimney-sweepers, come to dust. -Fidele,Shakespeare-
Above Maidstone
@[email protected]Aircraft flying within an approximate 10 mile radius around Maidstone. I am very noisy!
Some of the information might not be accurate, I am working to improve accuracy.
Posts deleted after 7 days.
@[email protected]The social account for BinaryBITS | TechBytes (BITS) Tech Blog - Closing the gap between technology and know-how by providing awareness, advice, and tech news, surrounding Information Technology, Information Systems, best practices, the odd review, how to's , do's and don'ts, up and coming tech, Tech Tip's, Fun Tech Facts and so much more!
From Tech 101 to Tech Enthusiasts - Join The community!
#Tech #Technology #Blog
@[email protected]Cryptocurrency Bootstrap
@[email protected]Bot! Rss feed from #AndroidPolice #Smartdroid #Techtest #Teltarif #TheWalkmanBlog too Mastodon.
Is used https://mastofeed.org by @Barredo (Thanks)
Provided by @JanFi0
@[email protected]traveLink: it’s all about #travel, #art & #food – viel zu Reisen ohne Werbung.
Wir veröffentlichen #traveLinks zu Themen, die uns persönlich interessieren: #Reisen, #Kunst & #Kulinarik. Und natürlich unsere eigenen Reportagen.
#Toots (#Tröts) werden automatisch nach drei Monaten gelöscht.
@[email protected]The open source note taking and to-do application with synchronization capabilities for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS
Breathing London
@[email protected]Monitoring the Air Pollution in London since 2010.
- data from http://londonair.org.uk
- bot by
Posts are (usually) every 30 minutes.
@[email protected]World's leading Linux and Open Source web portal.
@[email protected]Todo lo relacionado con el mundo de la tecnología, juegos, aplicaciones, Android, Windows, Linux, cine, curiosidades...
@[email protected]This is a (beta) cybersecurity news aggregator! Made with ♥ by @andreadraghetti
@[email protected]Conseil secteur associatif et/ou culturel. #association #culture #spectacle_vivant #festival #politiques_culturelles #DD #DIY #Logiciel_Libre #Linux #Bretagne #fedi22
Newsbot Linux
@[email protected]Nachrichten aus verschiedenen Quellen zum Thema #linux
@[email protected]Avatar by the excellent @hexamander
@[email protected]@SoLSec:~# lsof /
#Anonymous #Linux #GNU #GreyHat #Privacy #CyberSecurity #NetworkSystemsAdmin #GoodTrouble #DarkHumor #Starwars #Marvel #OSINT #OpFuckQ #Encryption #OpSec #ParrotOS #OffSec #Kali #EFF #Debian #GlitterSqaud