8 awesome Angular projects on Mastodon.
@[email protected]Software developer with a focus on front-end web development.
Working for @9elements, an agency for design, software, firmware and security.
NCode Technologies, Inc
@[email protected]"Let us meet skilled in developing top-notch solutions for businesses globally. Combining the multiple facets of futuristic technology and digital transformation, NCode Technologies has seized prominence to develop the most advanced digital services and excellent IT solutions.
Professionals skilled in various technology and platforms spanning across web development, app development, React Js, Angular Js, Node Js, Python, Laravel, React Native, Flutter, Shopify, Magento, WooCommerce."
@[email protected]Let's improve the web development ecosystem 🗺️
💻 We organize events, conferences and informal meetings involving Italian and international professionals. Since 2003.
👾 Our conferences are about: #php #reactjs #js #javascript #css #laravel #vue #angular #ruby #devops #devsecops #ux #dx and more!
📢 Become our speaker: https://www.grusp.org/en/speakers/
Software development engineer for twenty year.
Open-source advocate and activist.
Tech ecosystem is Debian, Go, PostgreSQL, Typescript, Angular, PHP and Emacs.
@[email protected]Curious about most things. Working for IGT for over 15 years. Had various roles, but currently automating processes and testing.
Love #web, and we use #angular. However we also use #csharp, #c, #java, and more.
Looking to post content on #typescript, #css, #html, and more.
Looking to learn and network with everyone here!
@[email protected]The latest news from the Angular Community every week.
@[email protected]currently doing minecraft in kubernetes
its going great
also a third of my k8s manifests folder is prometheus