4 awesome Bootstrap projects on Mastodon.
@[email protected]Endurain is a self-hosted fitness tracking service that operates much like Strava but allows users to have complete control over their data and the hosting environment. The application's frontend is built using Vue.js 3 and Bootstrap CSS. On the backend, it leverages Python FastAPI and stravalib for seamless integration with Strava. The MariaDB database engine is employed to efficiently store and manage user data, while Jaeger is used for basic observability.
@[email protected]FreeFrontend.com is a valuable resource for both web designers seeking new inspiration and developers looking to enhance the functionality of their projects.
HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Tailwind, JavaScript, React, Vue, jQuery.
@[email protected]Self host the software stack, bootstrap the hardware stack. Anything that isn't recyclable isn't sustainable. Close the loop, build computers out of trash.
I believe in trash magic. https://trashrobot.org/
Self hosting in both the sense of software that can build itself, as well as the decentralized distribution of information.
@[email protected]Announcing Ringzer0 #BOOTSTRAP24 - a premier cybersecurity training and conference event! ★ Austin TX ★ February 2024 ★ Registrations Open