318 awesome C# accounts on Mastodon.

csharp C#
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Codex ☯️♈☮
@[email protected]

Hello Fediverse! I'm Chris and I'm a gamer, painter, programmer, occasional shaman, and til I die!


Boost early, boost often I say, if it looks interesting!

Unengaging posts are auto-deleted after 3 months.

Last posted 6 days ago
Posts 418
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Lluis Franco 👾
@[email protected]

The one who loves programming. Father of 2. EX-Blogger, EX-Speaker, EX-Microsoft MVP. Now retired. Still Geek :P

Last posted 1 day ago
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Learner, dreamer, and a believer that our reach exceeds our grasp.

Developer • typescript javascript csharp
Believer • 🌕 🚀 👩🏾‍🚀 👩‍🔬
Ally • 🟰 🫱🏻‍🫲🏿 progresspride_flag

Last posted 5 days ago
Posts 39
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Following 60
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I write code, mostly C#, Scala, or Python. It’s my job and hobby. Also playing around with electronics on raspberry pi and micro:bit. 3D printer and newbie thing creator. Father of children, Walker of cockapoo, First of his name. He/Him.

Last posted 1 day ago
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Following 243

Software engineer working in the insurance industry and based in the Midwest United States. java react docker python C# .NET 
Supporter of @eff, , , The Trevor Project, and Planned Parenthood, among others.
 and enthusiast.

Chicago sports fan, particularly the Cubs, Bears, and Bulls.

Profile pic alt text: bearded white man wearing a hat and sunglasses staring off into the middle distance

Last posted 2 days ago
Posts 135
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Following 296
Jari Pennanen
@[email protected]

Developer. This is my main account for the time being. I have six profiles now on Mastodon, sigh.

I will remove followers who haven't posted anything.

, , , ,

Last posted 1 day ago
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Maarten Balliauw
@[email protected]

Loves web, HTTP, C#, Azure and application performance. Developer and Advocate at . Founded www.speaker.travel. Frequent speaker. Opinions are my own.

Last posted 2 days ago
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Following 307
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Disaffected Gen-X gamer.
Technology enthusiast.
Perpetual amateur at all creative endeavors.


Last posted 1 day ago
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Following 51
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Learning new ways to make things.
Also learning new ways to mess things up along the way.
Sometimes I actually make things🏂
unreal UE5 (learning) - unity Unity - visualstudio C# - blender Blender - ableton Ableton - CSP - vscode git photoshop audacity trello

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 382
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Following 168
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Seemingly benevolent robot. Dev lead for CLR assembly loading, trimming, Native AOT at Microsoft, ex-C# compiler & language design.

Last posted 6 days ago
Posts 931
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Following 432
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Microsoft MVP, blogger, and author of ASP.​NET Core in Action.

Last posted 2 days ago
Posts 208
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Following 637
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Tech (.Net, Open Source), Manga/Anime, Social Issues and Gunpla.

@radicalbyte on the birdsite, just beware I use that site for ranting/complaining as that's what that site is for.

Last posted 1 week ago
Posts 321
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Following 124
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Entrepreneur & Software Design Engineer,
Founder and CEO of PML.
Xamarin & Microsoft MVP, 
dotNetMAUI, Xamarin, Azure & .Net C# :-)

Runs Birmingham .Net and 
Birmingham Entrepreneurs meetups

Last posted 2 days ago
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Freelance software developer, consultant & instructor. Python/C#/Java/Azure/AWS/GCP/TDD/Microservices/טוסטר משולשים

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 3,983
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Following 359
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Ernst Greiner 🇪🇺
@[email protected]

since three decades, citizen, fan

Last posted 1 day ago
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Following 192
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Semi-retired software developer, mentor and trainer with 40 years of experience in C, C++, C#, Java, and Ruby. Technical business advisor with RINSA. Pronouns she/her. Has opinions and not afraid to express them. Hobbies include writing iOS apps, 3d printing, laser engraving, CNC milling, and silversmithing.

Last posted Less than a day ago
Posts 2,144
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Following 339
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Husband. Father. Professional nerd (C#/F#). Pretend woodworker. He/Him.

Bots: @NatlParksAlerts_Parks, @NatlParksAlerts_Monuments

Last posted 4 days ago
Posts 615
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Following 779
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Duke of Germany 💫
@[email protected]

Software engineer & game developer.
- Point & click adventures make me happy 😸
- I like many languages, but I 💜 C#!

Last posted 2 days ago
Posts 2,400
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Following 731
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William Fry 🏳️‍🌈🥥🌴
@[email protected]

Geek at / . Works on and . Mindless drivel is entirely my own. (He/Him)


Last posted 3 days ago
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Software Developer. Blue Geezer in TX. Veteran. EVE Online player. Fan of pop-culture image responses. I like to cook, but I'm not very good at it.

I block MAGAs, "Conservative Christians", self-described patriots, chuds, crypto-bros, anti-vaxxers and other assorted louts.

Location: Fort Worth, TX


Last posted 3 days ago
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