145 awesome C# accounts on Mastodon that posted recently.

Recently posted csharp C#
Shoshana 🏳️‍⚧️
@[email protected]

Software engineer (C#, Kotlin, Golang, Java, Rust, Python), I really like housing, bikes, and nice communities 👩🏻‍🦰 ✡️ 🇮🇪 🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️

Lilah tov moon, lilah tov cow jumping over the moon 🌕 🐄

Last posted 2 days ago
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Incorrigible Maker for HARRIS
@[email protected]

Banner: F-105F Wild Weasel over North Vietnam 1968. Been there; done that. I took this picture

Avitar: Caricature of old, bald man looking askance. Me! I created it long ago

College @ MissStateUniv;
20 years USAF (320 combat missions);
Soccer (20 yr player, 15 yr coach, once retail store owner);
Past Dir of FL Adoption Reunion Registry;
Computer Professional (consultant, developer, Sr. Software Engineer - data storage/access);
Angler (bass tournaments, now just fishing)
Thoroughly RETIRED

Last posted 2 days ago
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@[email protected]

opinionated lurker of the intarwebs.

Used to write code, still do. c/c++, java, php, js, c#, gdscript, gnawed on sql, sparql, unix/windows etc etc billions of years ago.

tech, graphics, anything STEM
anything anthropology, history, linguistics
anything blender, gimp (although i scream using it), audacity
prefers not to be run over by cars

I drink Philz.

I do a (non-monetized) video or so a week on yt.

Tyranny and poverty are everywhere a mainstream economics phenomenon.

Last posted 1 day ago
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Khalid ⚡️
@[email protected]

Loves @NicoleAbuhakmeh. 🚀🧠 🥑 : devrel. supporter. developer. He/Him. Living the simulation lifestyle.


Last posted 2 days ago
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linux guy in a windows world | aws, c#, python, typescript by day | c, ruby, perl by night

Last posted 2 days ago
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Walker Boh🛡
@[email protected]

General { Ronin (); Programmer (); }
Development { C# (); Java (); Python (); Retro:C64/BBC/ZX ( ); PICO8 (); }
InfoSec { Blue Team (); OSINT (); Linux ( ); Windows ( ); BSD ( ); }
Fun { Swords ( ); Dogs ( ); Fitness (); Camping ( ); Car Camping (); Star Trek ( ); Star Wars ( ); }
Grief { Half of my wife lives on in me; The pieces don’t fit as well as they used to; }

Last posted 2 days ago
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Jeroen Wiert Pluimers
@[email protected]

Makes things work in .NET/Win32/x64/C#/SQL/Delphi.
Surviving rectal cancer.
Married a cancer survivor.
Responsible for brother with IQᐸ50.
Adest Musica member.

Last posted 2 days ago
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Codex ☯️♈☮
@[email protected]

Hello Fediverse! I'm Chris and I'm a gamer, painter, programmer, occasional shaman, and til I die!


Boost early, boost often I say, if it looks interesting!

Unengaging posts are auto-deleted after 3 months.

Last posted 6 days ago
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Entrepreneur & Software Design Engineer,
Founder and CEO of PML.
Xamarin & Microsoft MVP, 
dotNetMAUI, Xamarin, Azure & .Net C# :-)

Runs Birmingham .Net and 
Birmingham Entrepreneurs meetups

Last posted 2 days ago
Posts 276
Followers 394
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software engineer and engineering manager. Lead inventor of .

Last posted 3 days ago
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Marco Siccardi dotnet
@[email protected]

Father of 2 (teenager/young adult), husband to a wonderful wife.

Working day & night as a developer (.NET stack), learning SWIFT.

Publishing software as MSiccDev Software Development. 

Runner, iPhone photographer, Apple ecosystem user.

Languages: 🇺🇸 🇮🇹 🇩🇪


Last posted 2 days ago
Posts 1,603
Followers 556
Following ▼ 1,051
Jari Pennanen
@[email protected]

Developer. This is my main account for the time being. I have six profiles now on Mastodon, sigh.

I will remove followers who haven't posted anything.

, , , ,

Last posted 2 days ago
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Dysfunctional programmer • Test infected • XP practictioner • Writes bugs in C# F# Haskell Lisp • Loves Emacs and Cherry MX Blue

Last posted 2 days ago
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C++, C#, Swift. Trained surgeon from Lithuania, served in the Soviet Army, watched USSR collapse, moved to London. Ex-Symbian, now working at a fintech consultancy. 🇪🇺🇬🇧 He/Him. Слава 🇺🇦!

Last posted 5 days ago
Posts 723
Followers 311
Following ▼ 858
Markus Huggler 💻
@[email protected]

Software Engineer (.Net Core, Dotnet, C#, Angular, Typescript), very interested in Software Architecture and Methodology (DDD TDD, Cleancode, Agile), proud father of two girls and drummer, Linux (Fedora) user

Co-founder novaloop.ch

For Linux and Tech stuff head over to: fosstodon.org/@magbeat

Last posted 2 days ago
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Husband. Father. Professional nerd (C#/F#). Pretend woodworker. He/Him.

Bots: @NatlParksAlerts_Parks, @NatlParksAlerts_Monuments

Last posted 4 days ago
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Software Developer. Blue Geezer in TX. Veteran. EVE Online player. Fan of pop-culture image responses. I like to cook, but I'm not very good at it.

I block MAGAs, "Conservative Christians", self-described patriots, chuds, crypto-bros, anti-vaxxers and other assorted louts.

Location: Fort Worth, TX


Last posted 3 days ago
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Duke of Germany 💫
@[email protected]

Software engineer & game developer.
- Point & click adventures make me happy 😸
- I like many languages, but I 💜 C#!

Last posted 2 days ago
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Thiago, the one called 'Jedi'
@[email protected]

Thiago, nicknamed "Jedi" by friends and colleagues. Lover of languages. Full snack dev.

Expect lots of jokes, dev rants, and minor updates from my day to day life.

Thiago, apelidado de "Jedi" pelos amigos e colegas. Amante de linguagens. Desenvolvedor full snack.

Espere um monte de piadas, reclamações do trabalho, e pequenas crônicas do meu dia a dia.

Posts in Português, English, and ocasionally Castellano. I do my best to mark the post language correctly, you may want to filter them out.

From bandeira_rn to the world

Last posted 2 days ago
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Microsoft MVP, blogger, and author of ASP.​NET Core in Action.

Last posted 2 days ago
Posts 208
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