317 awesome C# accounts on Mastodon.

csharp C#

Software engineer working in the insurance industry and based in the Midwest United States. java react docker python C# .NET 
Supporter of @eff, , , The Trevor Project, and Planned Parenthood, among others.
 and enthusiast.

Chicago sports fan, particularly the Cubs, Bears, and Bulls.

Profile pic alt text: bearded white man wearing a hat and sunglasses staring off into the middle distance

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 139
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Matthijs Wagemakers
@[email protected]

Software developer. Doing some C#, Azure, web, devops and other random tech.

Last posted 1 day ago
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Thiago, the one called 'Jedi'
@[email protected]

Thiago, nicknamed "Jedi" by friends and colleagues. Lover of languages. Full snack dev.

Expect lots of jokes, dev rants, and minor updates from my day to day life.

Thiago, apelidado de "Jedi" pelos amigos e colegas. Amante de linguagens. Desenvolvedor full snack.

Espere um monte de piadas, reclamações do trabalho, e pequenas crônicas do meu dia a dia.

Posts in Português, English, and ocasionally Castellano. I do my best to mark the post language correctly, you may want to filter them out.

From bandeira_rn to the world

Last posted Less than a day ago
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Software engineer, developer, learner, JS writer,cpp/qt enjoyer, .net/c# fiddler.

Mostly post about and and randomly funny things

Last posted 1 day ago
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Looking for self-hosted iPlayer/Netflix-like software? Message me. I’m a human who creates software. Native, managed, web, static types, untyped: it’s all the same to me. TS, JS, Objective C, C++, C#, … I’ve worked for ‘Big Tech’. I’m decades into the ol’ software game.

Last posted 1 day ago
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Learning new ways to make things.
Also learning new ways to mess things up along the way.
Sometimes I actually make things🏂
unreal UE5 (learning) - unity Unity - visualstudio C# - blender Blender - ableton Ableton - CSP - vscode git photoshop audacity trello

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 381
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William Fry 🏳️‍🌈🥥🌴
@[email protected]

Geek at / . Works on and . Mindless drivel is entirely my own. (He/Him)


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Just another NPC to fill the world
Señor Developer {C# csharp | Python python | Web vue | AI clippy}
I like (Arch) Linux arch / Retro Tech 💾 / Art 🎨 / Memes troll

Last posted 2 days ago
Posts 124
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developer in Northern California • former worship leader now • player of 🎻 • • he/him

Last posted Less than a day ago
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Joost Molenaar
@[email protected]

I work as software architect for magister.nl at Sanoma Learning. I'm married, father of two boys, I enjoy music, bicycling, walking, reading things, family time, tinkering with electronics, and gaming. I'm an occasional fixer of bugs in open source software. I code in Python, Rust, C#, C, C++, JS or Awk, but my favorite language has to be Bash. I use Arch btw.

Last posted 2 days ago
Posts 213
Followers 45
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Marco Siccardi dotnet
@[email protected]

Father of 2 (teenager/young adult), husband to a wonderful wife.

Working day & night as a developer (.NET stack), learning SWIFT.

Publishing software as MSiccDev Software Development. 

Runner, iPhone photographer, Apple ecosystem user.

Languages: 🇺🇸 🇮🇹 🇩🇪


Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 1,598
Followers 556
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Jennifer C J Radtke
@[email protected]

One day I will learn to do one thing at a time... until then, I'm working in C#/.NET, curious about , finishing a PhD in , local in the , enjoying , and having lots of fun ;) Living in . she/her

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 509
Followers 105
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Daniel Kießling
@[email protected]

Europäer 🇪🇺 | Entwickler | interessiert an Technologie | höre gerne

Last posted 1 day ago
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*325ppm ⚫🔵🔵
I 💜 bits since 8080
👀👉 :dotnet: :csharp:

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Semi-retired software developer, mentor and trainer with 40 years of experience in C, C++, C#, Java, and Ruby. Technical business advisor with RINSA. Pronouns she/her. Has opinions and not afraid to express them. Hobbies include writing iOS apps, 3d printing, laser engraving, CNC milling, and silversmithing.

Last posted 1 day ago
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.net consultant, C# and recently also Kotlin and some Swift developer, ex C# MVP(2004-18), DevExpress MVP, LLBLGenPro Partner. Also tinkering with Kotlin and Jetpack Compose, Swift and SwiftUI, microcontrollers and 3D printing.

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 4,039
Followers 231
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Jari Pennanen
@[email protected]

Developer. This is my main account for the time being. I have six profiles now on Mastodon, sigh.

I will remove followers who haven't posted anything.

, , , ,

Last posted 1 day ago
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He/him. Cis/het. I like , , / , and the Oxford comma. Professional computer whisperer. C#/DotNet/JavaScript. Southern England, UK.

I do not post much myself but will boost interesting and insightful posts from as diverse a range of others as I can manage.

Joined 2018-09 en.osm.town/@twpol
Joined 2022-04 mastodon.online/@twpol

Last posted Less than a day ago
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Jeffrey Clemmons
@[email protected]

Middle aged nerd from Ohio. Interests in technology, especially open source projects. I dabble with Python and am learning C# for professional purposes. Posts will probably be pet oriented as I have 2 rescues (a Maine Coon mix and a Catahoula/Border Collie).

Married to my long time friend I've known for half my life, an opinionated fiery redhead. I've been in the veterinary industry for 13 years supporting and developing practice management software.

Last posted Less than a day ago
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Anthony Steele
@[email protected]

Coder in London. .NET stuff.
Cloud and scale. Needs a good delivery pipeline.

In large companies, most problems can be solved by adding process; except for problems caused by too much process. Over time, these will become the most common kind remaining.

Located in London UK, but staying home since 2020; except for occasional visits to Cape Town, South Africa; Boston, Massachusetts and other places.

He / Him.

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 6,456
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