46 awesome CSS projects on Mastodon.
CSS Weekly
@[email protected]Helping you keep up with CSS. Created by Zoran Jambor.
@[email protected]Smartmonkey
@[email protected]Curious about most things. Working for IGT for over 15 years. Had various roles, but currently automating processes and testing.
Love #web, and we use #angular. However we also use #csharp, #c, #java, and more.
Looking to post content on #typescript, #css, #html, and more.
Looking to learn and network with everyone here!
@[email protected]Support & Toots will be in 🇬🇧 English and 🇩🇪 German.
If you don't want to see double posts use Mastodon's feature to hide specific languages of this account from your timeline.
Account controlled by @spikehidden
Snafu 🐦
@[email protected]#Freelance #FullStack #SoftwareDeveloper. Supporter of #LatinAmerica.
#Java #TypeScript #CSS #PHP #FLOSS #Privacy #Infrastructure #Linux #Infosec
#Español #LatinoAmérica
#PachaMama #MadreTierra
"Cuando la sangre de tus venas retorne al mar y el polvo de tus huesos vuelva al suelo, quizás recuerdes que esta tierra no te pertenece a ti, sino que tú perteneces a esta tierra." - proverbio indígena
"No soy de aquí, ni soy de allá." - Facundo Cabral
Old posts are deleted automatically. #NoBot
@[email protected]Let's improve the web development ecosystem 🗺️
💻 We organize events, conferences and informal meetings involving Italian and international professionals. Since 2003.
👾 Our conferences are about: #php #reactjs #js #javascript #css #laravel #vue #angular #ruby #devops #devsecops #ux #dx and more!
📢 Become our speaker: https://www.grusp.org/en/speakers/
Webdev Weekly
@[email protected]Articles, projects and tutorials about #JavaScript, #CSS, #Wasm, etc.
Weekly newsletter: https://discu.eu/weekly/webdev
@[email protected]We develop for the internet and the web. We build websites and applications that connect people and systems together.
#webdev #php #html #css #js #codeigniter #wordpress #nextcloud #linux #debian
@[email protected]A collection of beautiful full-stack components for Laravel. The perfect starting point for your next app. Using Livewire, Alpine.js and Tailwind CSS.
@[email protected]Jeroka
@[email protected]Fewer words, Greater impact. Computer Software Programmer & Engineer λ C | Rust | PHP | CSS ∆ Laravel, Tokio and WordPress.
@[email protected]Designer dealing with customized whims and expecting the imminent collapse of Moore’s Law.
@[email protected]Discover, learn and get inspired - begin your coding journey with us! #javascript #frontend #html #css #code
Coding CSS
@[email protected]💬 Byte-sized coding tips and tricks
👨💻 JavaScript & Web Development
😎 And other programming info too
New video! 👇
#coding #webdevelopment #html #javascript #react #nodejs #programming
Africa Center
@[email protected]The Africa Center for Strategic Studies: Advancing African security by expanding understanding, providing a trusted platform for dialogue, building partnerships, and catalyzing solutions.
#Africa #security #governance #Russia #China #democracy #disinformation #cyber #migration #organizedcrime #violentextremism #CVE #COIN #climate #maritime #displacement #peacekeeping #Sahel
Friday Front-End
@[email protected]Front-end dev links posted daily, emailed weekly. We also offer @cssbasics for beginners! Curated by @spaceninja
@[email protected]The official account for CSS-Tricks.com, a web design community powered by
@[email protected]「ひろがるスカイ!プリキュア」を始めとする、プリキュアに関する映像をお届けするプリキュアYouTubeチャンネル!ダンスレッスンや変身シーンなどお楽しみコンテンツ続々更新中。チャンネルを登録すると、映像の更新情報がいち早くゲットできます!
このアカウントの投稿に関するお問い合わせは @owner までお願いします。
@[email protected]Custom web apps and design systems, developed in thoughtful collaboration. A small agency with a big presence in the community – including core contributors to the CSS Working Group, Sass, and Django.