340 awesome CSS developers on Mastodon.
Herr Günni
@[email protected]#fcsp #Ultra #Hamburg #Altona #laufen #caffe #antifa #ubuntu
searchable at #tootfinder
@[email protected]
current status (probably): listening to music. making a website builder to make it easier for folks to make their own websites
#Music #Photography #IndieWeb #WebDev #LiveCoding #GIFs #Books #HTML #CSS #Rust
@[email protected]I write (Python|Django|JavaScript|HTML|CSS) and sometimes it's useful.
- 1/2 of https://djangostickers.com and https://djangobrew.com 🧠
- For perfectionists with deadlines: https://alldjango.com 📖
- Reactive component framework for Django: https://www.django-unicorn.com 🦄
- So much code: https://github.com/adamghill 🛠️
- All the links: https://adamghill.com 💥
✈️ / 📍🪩 / 👻 / ☕️ / 🎥
Angelika Cathor
@[email protected]⌨️ web developer (#html #css #a11y #javascript #elixir)
📸 takes amateur photographs
🎲 board game geek
🇩🇪🇵🇱 an immigrant in Berlin
Rui Nibau (rnb)
@[email protected]• Ingé web depuis 2007: #javascript, #html, #css, #java
• Biologiste de formation
• #libre et #linux depuis 2003
• https://omacronides.com
Angela "Ge" Ricci
@[email protected]Married to HTML, CSS sister, Javascript lover; web designer most of the time
Just another Software Engineer.
I like making small, independent web things, and I occasionally write. My interests include cooking, movies, music, videogames and weight lifting.
Matti Järvinen
@[email protected]Professional web programmer since 2002. BSc(Eng) Software Engineering.
Scrum Master at http://gofore.com
- #Scrum
- #Angular
- #React
- #TypeScript
- #Javascript
- #PHP
- #CSS
- #BoardGames
- #WH40k
- #RPG
@[email protected]Web/HTML/CSS/JavaScript/ブラウザ/携帯/MVNO/Android/中日ドラゴンズ/響け!ユーフォニアム/リズと青い鳥/けいおん!/京アニ
jake lazaroff
@[email protected]nyc-based programmer. eng at jamsocket. @recursecenter alum.
thoughts on local-first, javascript frameworks, web components, css and other web minutiae.
Philip Newborough
@[email protected]Web developer and tech enthusiast.
#Linux #Fedora #Debian #GNOME #IndieWeb #PHP #CodeIgniter #HTML #CSS #JavaScript #NodeJS #Python #Bash
@[email protected]aka Chocapic (he/him cool with they)
Video games Production Director | GameDev | WebDev enthousiast
#searchable #dev #gamedev #webdev #php #html #css #javascipt #c++ #tech #technology #fedi22
Alternative text for the banner image: A retro-style promotional poster for the town of Saint-Palais sur Mer, depicting a young woman on the beach, with the Cordouan lighthouse in the background.
Marco Salsiccia
@[email protected]#Blind #Accessibility Specialist and #Usability expert. #coffee nerd, #SJSharks fanatic, Bay Area native and #Oakland based, former animator and VFX artist, now help companies make apps and sites #Accessible. I built BlindSVG.com and am a blind #Designer and #TactileArtist. Love #Coding with #HTML, #SVG, #CSS, #Python, #JS, and #SwiftUI. #InclusiveDesign #ENM #Pianist Left-leaning #Atheist
@[email protected]🍉
Développeur web : HTML, CSS, JS et mon pref : #elmlang
Mais aussi par ordre de coeur (mais pas de compétences) : #ElixirLang, #RustLang, #C, #PHP, #NodeJS
Oui mon kink c'est la programmation fonctionnelle
@[email protected]
👨💻 Full Stack Web Developer
#JavaScript #HTML #CSS
📸 http://instagram.com/baumannzone
erin cochran
@[email protected]
Front of the front-end developer based out of Portland, Oregon.
#Tech #WebDev #Frontend #HTML #CSS #JavaScript #Linux #Trans #ActuallyAutistic
Sabine Emden
@[email protected]I'm an aspiring web developer and a former chemist. What I bring from chemistry to software development is a systematic approach to problem solving and the perseverance to not give up easily.
I'm currently learning full-stack JavaScript with The Odin Project and Frontend Mentor. As a side project, I'm building my personal website with Astro.
@[email protected]Dev web (python/Django, HTML/CSS et surtout pas JS). J'ai l'impression d'avoir ma plaque à côté de la vie.
J'aime les petits sites internet créés par des vrais gens, les logiciels libres, l'auto-hébergement web, la randonnée et la nature.
(tags en vrac : #web, #rando, #hiking, #opensource, #photo, #photography, #nature, #knowledge, #partage, #chien, #dog, #fedi22)
Relance @randomlink quand le serveur plante :)
Jürgen Voskuhl
@[email protected]
Solarpunk | software engineer, author | dealing with world affairs & digital life | #Energiewende | #EnergyTransition | #EnergyMastodon | #Erneuerbare | #Renewables | #Klimakrise | #ClimateCrisis | born a 318.99 ppm
Und selbstverständlich #noAfD!
#Javascript #PHP #SQL #Python #HTML #CSS #WebDevelopment #FullStack #WebDesign #WordPress #Docusaurus
Bastien Calou
@[email protected]Développeur front freelance. J'aspire à un web simple, performant et accessible.
Prof de dev front @IUT d'Angouleme & @Cnam-Enjmin