Achievement unlocked: A photo with my Accessibility Heroine @SaraSoueidan 😊
Who happens to be the best kind of party pooper.
Excellent conference so far, I learned a lot on day 1 of #CSSDay. Obviously, we are now associating CSS Grid with balloons; thanks @rachelandrew.
Maybe today it’ll be Flexbox and blimps. We’ll see.
Thanks to the sponsors, obviously the speakers, @KrijnHoetmer, @ppk, and everyone behind the scenes who made #CSSDay two great days.
Yay, @kevinpowell doing a shoutout! I have to find @5t3ph today and see if she still has stickers.
I’m seeing (and participating in) the most head-nodding in this church so far. 👏 @SaraSoueidan
Thanks @joshwcomeau, that was inspirational. Now I too wanna go the extra mile and try to truly understand things.
@bnbrv Well, I’m more with how @Anneke sees this:
So, Masonry does make sense, I just have an empty wish list, because there’s so much I wanna do with stuff that has already been “sheeped”. 🐑
In all cases I would’ve needed to change alt text for #CSS generated content so far is to suppress it, i.e. `/ ""`. I hope this is cool once Firefox is on board.
OK, I can’t type that fast, @SaraSoueidan just put that on a slide.
See also:
Warning, shameless plug incoming for a blog post I wrote recently.
CSS is awesome.
And supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.