Such a great start to a wonderful CSS Day #cssday conference by @matthiasott: So much is possible with modern CSS that is simply not possible with current design tools. #cssAsDesignTool
I wish @joshwcomeau would create a CSS-concepts-for-designers-who-haven’t-been-particularly-interested-in-CSS-yet course. #cssday
Went to coffee bar this morning, then this happened… #cssday
This seems like the appropriate after #cssday picture, right? Looking forward to next year!
@matthiasott’s fantastic #cssday talk has just been published: if you do frontend stuff for the web, or design for the web (which is _frontend stuff_ 🙂): you should check it out!
“We can not wait for static design tools to catch up” – @matthiasott at #cssday
”In a design tool you are painting a picture. But you are not sculpting it.“ – @stephenhay