CSSDay NL 2024

Day 1 (250) Sara Joy happy_pepper (49)

In case anyone is wondering whether @anarodrigues and I found each other - yes we did :) and we found a @Kilian too amongst many other lovely people!

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We need a box before we can think outside of it.

CSS gives us tons of boxes, it's all boxes! And people are definitely doing amazing things with it.

Thank you for an excellent day 1, 🧡

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@stephenhay yesssssss about playing in the HTML and CSS. Having a conversation with it. Toing and froing and letting the experimentation guide and inspire. Yes.

Don't just what CSS can already do. Decide on something you *want* to make and bend CSS to your will.


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Ooh. @stephenhay is speaking of constraints feeding creativity as people try to push the boundaries.

He's about to talk about rounded corners! Exactly. We spent so much effort making corner.gif or shadow.gif for table layouts, then CSS updated and made it easy, and rounded corners & shadows fell out of fashion 😅

The same is happening now with Masonry layout. People have done it with JS - I have a feeling that as soon as it becomes available via CSS, it'll be uncool because too easy!

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a style sheet language
that allows the **intent** of the **designer** to be communicated to a **browser** that **executes** on it

Not only @fantasai's talk today is reinforcing for me that "web design" is not dead.

We are not unicorns. Front end developers, once web designers, can and do *design*. We can! We do! We design with code, or in code. It's not unusual. Why the silos?

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Big oooohhhhhhhhhh moment, "what can my font do?" - wakamaifondue.com

I needed someone to say it out loud apparently 😆🤦


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I am going to use "dorkmode" to mean going into joyous coding flow from now on.


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I agree with this quote. Forgive. Yes.

But especially if our job *is* to keep up and understand, we still need to strive for it, even if we're forgiven for falling behind.

None of the excellent new heavy-JS-replacing CSS would be used if we didn't do so. Hence this conference. Hence all this discourse online. Hence all the articles and posts and advocating and devrels and working groups. Hence the arguments and controversy.

We want to improve life for everyone online. It's important.

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Sarah Dyan was introduced as being "very brave" for coming to and talking about utility-first CSS!

I agree but I'm happy to listen :)

My biggest grievance with tailwind in particular is how it's cemented breakpoints, while going fluid feels much better.

It may just be that there's a lag between what CSS can do now, and what surfaces through tailwind and other utility first frameworks.

I dunno 🤷

I guess I think utility styles are a good tool that can be used *alongside* normal CSS.

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I always think that when trying to distinguish the language being spoken when it's quiet or not clear, you can tell it's English because of all the sss s s ss s sounds.

It's totally compounded at CSS Day hahaha

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