CSSDay NL 2024

Day 1 (250) Raphael (26)

We have all those great CSS features … except when using ShadowDOM

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„Don’t let the available options dictate what the questions will be“


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„Purpose of the CSS WG
collaboratively process issues and ideas to improve CSS
through its design principles into a style sheet language that is flexible, robust, cross-platform, compatible, powerful, understandable, performant, world-wide and delightful to use.“

Cheers for this and all of the people that are involved in the CSSWG

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„Schwoopie“ is such a great word

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I am really struggling with the tight coupling of a visual API and HTML and how the document can be viewed in different contexts such as light/dark mode or prefers-reduced-motion and the change of the meaning of atomic classes in those contexts.

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„And masonry?“
`reading-order-items` is a great example regarding accessibility when dealing and adding different visual order to your document items

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@matthiasott Can we have „Tables with spacer GIFs“ in this comparison chart 😅

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