@pixelambacht Seems like Safari just fixed small-caps with font-synthesis 😅
„And masonry?“
— @rachelandrew
`reading-order-items` is a great example regarding accessibility when dealing and adding different visual order to your document items
„Purpose of the CSS WG
collaboratively process issues and ideas to improve CSS
through its design principles into a style sheet language that is flexible, robust, cross-platform, compatible, powerful, understandable, performant, world-wide and delightful to use.“
— @fantasai
Cheers for this and all of the people that are involved in the CSSWG
We have all those great CSS features … except when using ShadowDOM
@matthiasott Can we have „Tables with spacer GIFs“ in this comparison chart 😅
I am really struggling with the tight coupling of a visual API and HTML and how the document can be viewed in different contexts such as light/dark mode or prefers-reduced-motion and the change of the meaning of atomic classes in those contexts.