CSSDay NL 2024

Raphael (26)

@anarodrigues Great advice!

I got so inspired at that I’ll start blogging about HTML > CSS > UI/IxD > JS after almost 18years of not publishing anything relevant (apart from academic works).

Used my 4h train trip to already draft something.

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„Purpose of the CSS WG
collaboratively process issues and ideas to improve CSS
through its design principles into a style sheet language that is flexible, robust, cross-platform, compatible, powerful, understandable, performant, world-wide and delightful to use.“

Cheers for this and all of the people that are involved in the CSSWG

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Cheers for the talks at the feedback whiteboard yesterday upstairs yesterday @Una

It’s great to share some of the pains around styling and ShadowDOM with you folks.

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Really great examples about what is possible only with CSS regarding scroll-based animations @carmenansio

We should also respect user choices e.g. `prefers-reduced-motion` to keep the UI inclusive.

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.train {
pause: 3600s;
stress: 10;

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Great to hear @stubbornella
and other speakers mentioning to be careful and respect user choice regarding reduced motions.
This is really standing out in the HTML/CSS community and does not happen that often in other tech confs.

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puts such depth in technical and practical descriptions how CSS can affect accessibility is just mind boggling. Sooo good …

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