CSSDay NL 2024

Day 1 (250)

ist the first conference where I see live-posting on Mastodon the way we used to do on Twitter. Clearly a crowd that's present here. Love it!

43 7 2

If you're looking for a modern day CSS Zen Garden, I take submmissions on StyleStage.dev ✨

I'd love to see some fresh explorations using view transitions, scroll timelines, anchor positioning, :has, and more!

39 26 4

In case anyone is wondering whether @anarodrigues and I found each other - yes we did :) and we found a @Kilian too amongst many other lovely people!

32 1 1

Okay, we're only 10 minutes into the first talk and it's already clear: @matthiasott wins at this year's 😂

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"If you're on mastodon, use the hashtag . If you're on twitter ... why?" @adactio 😂

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Excellent reminder from @matthiasott - your personal website is the perfect place to experiment with features that are not widely available in all browsers yet.

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Appreciate @matthiasott not being worried about over-engineering to create a nice color pallet 😁

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