CSSDay NL 2024

Day 1 (250)

If you're looking for a modern day CSS Zen Garden, I take submmissions on StyleStage.dev ✨

I'd love to see some fresh explorations using view transitions, scroll timelines, anchor positioning, :has, and more!

39 26 4

Big oooohhhhhhhhhh moment, "what can my font do?" - wakamaifondue.com

I needed someone to say it out loud apparently 😆🤦


17 9 3

Fun fact: one CSS pixel was originally the size of one pixel on Håkon's sun workstation (90 dpi) at the length of his arm. I recall us measuring this.

21 8 1

"If you're on mastodon, use the hashtag . If you're on twitter ... why?" @adactio 😂

28 8 1

@sarahdayan not only advocating for utility-first CSS, but for constructive debate: "it doesn't have to be petty or religious"

17 8 1

Yay we always have a talk from a CSS artist. This year it's @julia_miocene who is an amazing character artist and she can do it all in CSS!

14 7 1

"Here's a cool thing, please don't use it" @rachelandrew talking about the problems with auto-layout (grids/masonry) without fixes for reading order.

15 7 0

ist the first conference where I see live-posting on Mastodon the way we used to do on Twitter. Clearly a crowd that's present here. Love it!

43 7 2