DebConf 2024

Edward Betts (27)

Every platform on the Seoul subway has a cabinet of smoke hoods. There are videos playing on the subway trains explaining how to use them.

If you installed these on the London underground then drunk people would be wearing them almost immediately.

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Bags are packed, and I'm on my way to Heathrow.

Heading to Debconf in Busan, Korea 🇰🇷, followed by Wikimania in Katowice, Poland 🇵🇱.

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"The bar is Very Small, so only Koreans come in. Sorry Sorry Sorry"

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While planning my trip to a in Korea, I discovered an affordable flight via Mongolia. This presented a chance to visit a place I'd never imagined seeing. While there is only one daily flight from Europe to Mongolia, there are multiple flights from there to Seoul, giving me flexibility. I chose the schedule with the longest layover to maximize my time in Mongolia. Arriving at 5 AM, I had until 8:30 PM before my onward journey to Seoul, giving me a full day to explore.

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After spending twelve hours at the nomad camp, I headed back to the airport for my flight to Seoul. I always choose a window seat and luck was on my side again—I managed to spot the nomad camp from the air as we ascended.

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