DebConf 2024

ricardo mastodon (8)

Debian Developer Samuel Henrique presents: Fixing CVEs on Debian: Everything you probably know already. Originally presented at DebConf24:



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If you could not attend the DebConf or have missed the conference because of time zone differences, all recorded video are now available for viewing at your leisure:


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The seventh day of DebConf24 has ended, we start again tomorrow, the final day of DebConf24, Saturday 3, August at 10:00 KST (01:00 UTC).

The schedule for the day will be debconf24.debconf.org/schedule

Thank you to all our contributors, viewers, and to our Debconf Video team! See you tomorrow!

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Thanks to Stefano Rivera and others, pictures by some participants of in Busan are now easily viewable on people.debian.org/~stefanor/dc

You are invited to share your DebConf24 pictures on DebConf Share git-lfs too! debian

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The Logo Contest is now open for voting! Clean your screens, glasses, squint, or view with your perfect vision these amazing submissions on display for your selection. :)


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