140 awesome Django accounts on Mastodon.

django Django
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Avatar: A picture of a Binturong holding up its left hand in a sign of peace.

Profile picture: A cropped image of Viennese fantastic realist painter Ernst Fuchs' Moses & the Burning Bush

I route the packets that make the Internet sing.
Documentation supervisor & contributor to xfce
moderator at r/xfce

Currently exploring python django docker
Occasionally dabble in
fsf opensource

Generally a recluse in the area

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts ▼ 3,037
Followers 289
Following 890
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Paul McLanahan firefox
@[email protected]

Python/Django dev and Engineering Manager. Guitar, Bass, Saxophone, and Tuba player. UGA grad. Marching band nerd. Work @mozilla making websites. Nerdfighter. EV owner. ATLian.

Last posted 7 months ago
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Following 275
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Preslav Rachev
@[email protected]

Currently, I am writing “Write Your Book With Obsidian.” Help fund the draft here: p5v.gumroad.com/l/write-your-b 

I am a software developer, turned entrepreneur, educator, and writer. Knowledge management is my second name.

I co-created @murmel_social and @feedle, because I believe in building tools that foster discourse on the open web.

tech stack: (), , and

Last posted 4 days ago
Posts ▼ 2,846
Followers 947
Following 532
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Follow for Daily Automated / Scheduled News sent via Google Apps Script Trigger at 6:30 AM.

Last posted 1 month ago
Posts ▼ 2,743
Followers 9
Following 6
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Trey Hunner 🐍
@[email protected]

& educator & team trainer

I help folks sharpen their Python skills with PythonMorsels.com🐍🍪

Also a who is attempting more ethical eating (, not yet ) and thinks is highly underrated, but I don't post about those topics very often.


Last posted 2 days ago
Posts ▼ 2,741
Followers 2,052
Following 276
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Dainius Happy 🇱🇹 ❤ 🇺🇦
@[email protected]

russia dēlenda est | rehackedhub.com - curated weekly newsletter |

Last posted 3 days ago
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Followers 225
Following 509
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django technical board member
🍕 London Django Meetup Organizer with @cgl
✍️ Author of three books on Django and Git
🇬🇧 London / 🇵🇹 Lisbon

Last posted 1 day ago
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Followers 1,453
Following 396

I write (Python|Django|JavaScript|HTML|CSS) and sometimes it's useful.

- Django Brew podcast: djangobrew.com
- For perfectionists with deadlines: alldjango.com
- Reactive component framework for Django: django-unicorn.com
- So much code: github.com/adamghill
- All the links: adamghill.com

✈️ / 📍🪩 / 👻 / ☕️ / 🎥

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts ▼ 2,422
Followers 590
Following 513
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Mariatta 🤦🏻‍♀️ python
@[email protected]

Python Core Developer. F"Yes!" python 🇨🇦
Hire me for Python/Django Consulting work.

@pypodcats host.
@pycon US Chair 2023-2024.
@ThePSF Fellow Member & Community Service Award recipient.
Keynote speaker.
Foodie. Traveler. Picky eater.

Opinions are mine.

All toots are CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts ▼ 2,317
Followers 2,193
Following 287
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Tim Schilling
@[email protected]

Gardener, homebrewer, bread baker and hot sauce maker. Assister with Django Debug Toolbar.
Jazzband | DEFNA | he/him

Last posted 1 day ago
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Followers 450
Following 363
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Iacopo Spalletti 🐍🍻😷 🇺🇦
@[email protected]

Founder/CTO @Nephila_digital - Djangonaut - DjangoConEurope 2017 organizer - DSF/PSF member. Father/CisHet/He/Him.
I'm either writing some kind of software, playing with kid or sitting on the stool of the local pub

Last posted 2 weeks ago
Posts ▼ 2,128
Followers 296
Following 353
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Jason Novinger
@[email protected]

Lead Engineer @EliasSports, used to live at twitter.com/jasonnovinger

I also serve as a mod for the @python and @django communities on the Programming.Dev lemmy instance.

Aspires to own a thundercougarfalconbird. Asks relevant frontend questions. The Guidry once said I had a good idea.


Last posted 3 weeks ago
Posts ▼ 2,022
Followers 233
Following 997
@[email protected]

Small government communist,
Code monkey,
Neurotic evil.


Last posted 1 day ago
Posts ▼ 1,831
Followers 55
Following 71
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Jack Linke 🦄
@[email protected]

- Managing Director of Watervize 💧
- Some of the things I ❤: , , , , , , , , , , , , (my pup) 🤓
- Contributing member 🐍
- Husband, , Public Speaker, ND (), Veteran
- 🌈 he/him
- I care about the future. For real people, here on Earth.

> Yapping all day, every day (apparently)

Last posted 1 day ago
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Followers 325
Following 595
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Platform Engineer für AI Projekte & Rettungssanitäter, 1994er Baujahr. er/he/fruity 🏳️‍🌈

Last posted 3 days ago
Posts ▼ 1,668
Followers 237
Following 251
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Dad, python dev, django cms tech lead, fantasy game dev(ops).

Last posted 2 days ago
Posts ▼ 1,653
Followers 150
Following 112
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Author, teacher, programmer, outdoor guy · ehmatthes.com · Python Crash Course · django-simple-deploy

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts ▼ 1,563
Followers 522
Following 268
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django former @django board member
✍️ learndjango.com/books/ - Django for Beginners/APIs/Professionals
github github.com/wsvincent

Last posted 1 day ago
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Followers 657
Following 99
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James Bennett
@[email protected]

The man with the plan and the pocket comb.

Django security team. Ex-Mozillian.

I have enough opinions of my own to tell you about, without wasting time trying to give you my employer's.

Don't forget to tip your servers and normalize your Unicode.

Last posted 2 days ago
Posts ▼ 1,285
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Following 41