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pretalx▪Python/Django/vue.js▪Three Django projects in a trench coat▪he/him

Admin here. Please report instead of DMing.

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Trey Hunner 🐍
@[email protected]

& educator & team trainer

I help folks sharpen their Python skills with🐍🍪

Also a who is attempting more ethical eating (, not yet ) and thinks is highly underrated, but I don't post about those topics very often.


Last posted 1 day, 7 hours ago
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Jeff Triplett
@[email protected]

🌋 @defnado cofounder, 🏝 @djangocon organizer, 🏎 @revsys consultant, 🐍 @Thepsf former director, vice-chair, and treasurer, 🦄 @djangoproject member, 🏀, ✨, 💪, 🏃‍♂️, 🤖, Oh Mai.

If you are into and content, please follow @djangonews

Last posted 1 day, 7 hours ago
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I code python_logo at redhat for Ansible.
I am a PSF Fellow
I maintain
I like rust
I am plant based 🌱
I use arch_linux btw

Viana do Castelo 🇵🇹 | from 🇧🇷 | 🍉

My posts are mainly in English and occasionally in Portuguese.

Here I share mostly about

Last posted 2 months, 3 weeks ago
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A high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. Toots by Django Software Foundation

Last posted 1 week, 2 days ago
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Paolo Melchiorre
@[email protected]

🐍 developer
🦄 contributor
🗣 Conference speaker
🐧 / user
🥑 advocate
🧩 / / member
🇮🇹 co-organizer
🐬 founder

© 2019 Paolo Melchiorre
⚖️ Creative Commons BY‐SA 4.0 (some rights reserved)

Last posted 1 day, 7 hours ago
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django technical board member
🍕 London Django Meetup Organizer with @cgl
✍️ Author of three books on Django and Git
🇬🇧 London / 🇵🇹 Lisbon

Last posted 3 days, 7 hours ago
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Carlton Gibson 🇪🇺
@[email protected]

Veteran software engineer and open source juggler 🤹 I work mainly on and with the Django web framework. When I’m not doing that it’s parenting, cooking, and philosophy. He/him

Last posted 1 day, 7 hours ago
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Jannis Leidel
@[email protected]

python @ThePSF director & fellow.

conda Working on @conda and friends at .

web Open supporter.

& jazzband @jazzband founder.

data, & django @django core alum.

Last posted 2 months ago
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Weekly Django news, articles, projects, and more. Lots of Django, Python, and anything that's web-focused.

Curated by @webology and @wsvincent

Last posted 1 day, 7 hours ago
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Software developer/professional Jira ticket puncher.

Originally British, naturalized Finn. Interested in


Header pic: Pascal Blanche

Last posted 1 week, 5 days ago
Posts 6,802
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James Bennett
@[email protected]

The man with the plan and the pocket comb.

Django security team. Ex-Mozillian.

I have enough opinions of my own to tell you about, without wasting time trying to give you my employer's.

Don't forget to tip your servers and normalize your Unicode.

Last posted 3 days, 7 hours ago
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🅹🅴🅳🅸🅴 🇺🇦🕊️
@[email protected]
Last posted 1 day, 7 hours ago
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Mariusz Felisiak
@[email protected]

Python python / Django django Developer 🧉
Django Releaser 📦
The PSF and DSF Member
Former @django Fellow

Last posted 2 weeks, 1 day ago
Posts 277
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django former @django board member
✍️ - Django for Beginners/APIs/Professionals

Last posted 1 day, 7 hours ago
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Join us: September 22-27 in Durham, North Carolina!

Last posted 5 days, 7 hours ago
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Dev web / le jour, admin la nuit. Contribue aussi sporadiquement à , et au . Enby.

Last posted 1 day, 7 hours ago
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Daniele Procida
@[email protected]

Director of Engineering at Canonical. Django core developer.

Last posted 1 week, 2 days ago
Posts 80
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Software dev who digs Python, Django, pinball, and coffee.

- Django Brew Podcast:
- No bullshit help for
perfectionists with deadlines:
- Reactive component framework for Django:
- Bookmarking for developers:
- Fediverse summary:
- Progressively enhance HTML:
- This Fun House:

Last posted Less than a day ago
Posts 2,176
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Django Chat Podcast
@[email protected]

A podcast on the Django web framework by @wsvincent and @carlton

Last posted 1 month, 4 weeks ago
Posts 38
Followers ▼ 506
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Author, teacher, programmer, outdoor guy · · Python Crash Course · django-simple-deploy

Last posted 2 days, 7 hours ago
Posts 1,475
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I make (goth-adjacent, in my intentions) music:
I work with and and all the usual suspects.
I'm a big and reader.
I'm scared for the future of my progeny (thanks to and ).
I play and , I try to keep up with , I defintely kicked my habit.
I hate bigotry in all its forms, I love good .

(Making this searchable: I write gems, and I want to be able to find them again)

Last posted 1 day, 7 hours ago
Posts 14,647
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Writing Python, Django & more 🐍 • community organiser • aspiring rustacean 🦀 • Write the Docs • IRRs and a bit of BGP • 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ • she/they • was mxsash on twitter

Last posted 3 weeks, 1 day ago
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Lover of all things and

Last posted 1 day, 7 hours ago
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Jimmy Angelakos postgresql
@[email protected]

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇪🇺🇬🇷 /ˌænʤəˈlɑːkɒs/
Peace, Love & Linux. Strictly personal opinions. PostgreSQL contributor & speaker.
Author of PostgreSQL Mistakes and How to Avoid Them:
Co-author of the PostgreSQL 16 Administration Cookbook:

Lucy got a secret show cat 🐈

Last posted 1 day, 7 hours ago
Posts 703
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Tim Schilling
@[email protected]

Gardener, homebrewer, bread baker and hot sauce maker. Assister with Django Debug Toolbar.
Jazzband | DEFNA | he/him

Last posted 1 day, 7 hours ago
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Writing Python python, Django django and surfing waves 🏄‍♂️

🧪 tame your test suite flakiness
🧑‍💻 find awesome devs across the fediverse
💻 a TUI for all your Django commands

Last posted 1 day, 7 hours ago
Posts 1,149
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Markus Holtermann
@[email protected]

Engineer at CLADE, @djangoproject contributor, former @DjangoConEurope @DjangoConAU, @EuroPython organizer. My thoughts, not my employer's. He/Him

My account is searchable on

Last posted 3 days, 7 hours ago
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passionate about the environment and social justice

full-time python/django dev, part-time progress-spruiker

Last posted 1 month ago
Posts 70
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Djangonaut Space
@[email protected]

Djangonaut Space is a volunteer-led OSS peer-mentoring circle to create leaders in the Django community.

Last posted 1 day, 7 hours ago
Posts 203
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Juanjo Salvador
@[email protected]

👨‍💻 Python/Django developer.
📷 Not-so-skilled photographer.
🐧 Debian & @gnome lover.
🚨 Mod at @django and @jekyll
🏖 Based in Spain.

Also likes anime, sci-fi, beer, mexican food and mechanical keyboards. Not always talk about himself using the third person form.

Pronouns are: he/him

Last posted 1 day, 7 hours ago
Posts 7,578
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Christian Hammond
@[email protected]


I work on the Review Board code review software ( at Beanbag ( CEO, developer, sales, support, janitor. I work with , , a lot.

I do COVID reporting for Butte County, CA at /

In a previous life I was a developer in the Linux space, working on GAIM/Pidgin, GNOME, and on Workstation/Player/WSX at VMware.

I sometimes post pics of squirrels and bees.

Last posted 3 days, 7 hours ago
Posts 690
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Timo Zimmermann
@[email protected]

I build backends, apps and sometimes break them, practice martial arts and enjoy video games. I believe I have seen the whole Internet once, maybe twice.

Tools of choice and
Sometimes musing about and life

Last posted 4 months, 3 weeks ago
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Working with python django postgresql
Building software & maps
Always on 🚲

Last posted 2 days, 7 hours ago
Posts 266
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Paul McLanahan firefox
@[email protected]

Python/Django dev and Engineering Manager. Guitar, Bass, Saxophone, and Tuba player. UGA grad. Marching band nerd. Work @mozilla making websites. Nerdfighter. EV owner. ATLian.

Last posted 5 months, 2 weeks ago
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Iacopo Spalletti 🐍🍻😷 🇺🇦
@[email protected]

Founder/CTO @Nephila_digital - Djangonaut - DjangoConEurope 2017 organizer - DSF/PSF member. Father/CisHet/He/Him.
I'm either writing some kind of software, playing with kid or sitting on the stool of the local pub

Last posted 5 days, 7 hours ago
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expat trying to save the world in my free time. 🇨🇦 🇪🇺🌹

For the nerds, I'm the guy who wrote Paperless, Aletheia, mt103, mpan, and Majel. My latest project is called "django-cool-urls", though I don't have a lot of energy for side projects these days.

Last posted 1 day, 7 hours ago
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Avatar: A picture of a Binturong holding up its left hand in a sign of peace.

Profile picture: A cropped image of Viennese fantastic realist painter Ernst Fuchs' Moses & the Burning Bush

I route the packets that make the Internet sing.
Documentation supervisor & contributor to xfce
moderator at r/xfce

Currently exploring python django docker
Occasionally dabble in
fsf opensource

Generally a recluse in the area

Last posted 1 day, 7 hours ago
Posts 2,726
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Jack Linke 🦄
@[email protected]

- Managing Director of Watervize 💧
- ❤'s Django, Python, htmx, GIS, Graphs, discrete math 🤓
- PSF Contributing member 🐍
- Husband, Public Speaker, ND, Veteran
- 🌈 he/him

Yapping all day, every day (apparently)

Last posted 1 day, 7 hours ago
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Giving you superpowers to use every day. Python trainer, coach, developer, and PyRVA co-founder.

Also talk about htmx, tailwind, and django (for purposes).

Last posted 2 days, 7 hours ago
Posts 816
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Rachell Calhoun
@[email protected]

Django Dev · Djangonaut Space Organizer · Django Girls Trustee ·
DjangoGirls & PyLadies Local Organizer· 💃 She/her

Last posted 5 days, 7 hours ago
Posts 483
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Padraic Harley
@[email protected]

Irish guy in Scotland. Shite at small talk. Purple monkey dishwasher. He/Him. Enjoys Python and Django.

Last posted 4 days, 7 hours ago
Posts 983
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Baptiste Mispelon
@[email protected]


Last posted 1 week, 3 days ago
Posts 326
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Redrawn Hell Human
@[email protected]

Hannah Werdmuller 🎸 Django Moves to Portland 🎤 Chonk! 📻 Pet Door Show on Thurs 2-4pm PT / 5-7pm ET / 10pm-12am GMT 🎶 Chronic pain. They/them (preferred), or she/her.

Last posted 1 day, 7 hours ago
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Custom web apps and design systems, developed in thoughtful collaboration. A small agency with a big presence in the community – including core contributors to the CSS Working Group, Sass, and Django.

Last posted 4 days, 7 hours ago
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Dainius Happy 🇱🇹 ❤ 🇺🇦
@[email protected]

russia dēlenda est | - curated weekly newsletter |

Last posted 1 day, 7 hours ago
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Part Developer, Part SysAdmin, Part InfoSec. Avid self-hoster, lover of .

All things systems @ Torchbox. Core, Security & Performance @wagtail. Individual Member django.

Opinions are a belief or construct held with confidence.

Last posted 1 week, 1 day ago
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Jason Novinger
@[email protected]

Lead Engineer @EliasSports, used to live at

I also serve as a mod for the @python and @django communities on the Programming.Dev lemmy instance.

Aspires to own a thundercougarfalconbird. Asks relevant frontend questions. The Guidry once said I had a good idea.

Last posted 1 day, 7 hours ago
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Django Packages django
@[email protected]

Django Packages is a directory of reusable apps, sites, tools, and more for your Django projects. django python

Last posted 3 weeks, 4 days ago
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