DjangoCon EU 2024

Anže python (17)

My talk “Django, SQLite, and Production” has been accepted! 🎉🥳

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Ups and downs of using Django with HTMX.

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My second Django contribution has just gotten merged! 🎉

It fixes a small issue with migrations when using SQLite. I found the ticket during sprints and it already had the test and the solution, so I only needed to open the PR and address some minor details.

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I've just pushed a small change for fedidevs! Conference posts are now sorted by creation date while the conference is live!

I've found myself switching the sorting all the time while at which means the default was bad 😅


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I have now removed pagination from the conference posts page! You can now endlessly scroll through all the Mastodon posts of your favorite conference 🤩

The example in the video is from

👉 fedidevs.com/djangoconeu24/

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During sprints I opened two PRs that fix two small issues related to SQLite in Django.

I see some more tickets with the sqlite keyword and I'll try to get to those in the next few weeks as well.

Any other issues with Django and SQLite that I'm not seeing?

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