Django User Model: Past, Present, & Future by @wsvincent at DjangoCon US. #DjangoCon
Postgres 17 is coming (tomorrow?) and @sqlliz walks us through Postgres internals at #DjangoCon
Super Ken Whitesell is talking about Channels, HTMX, websockets, and all the things live streaming at #DjangoCon.
I got a bit of a preview last year last year and I’m amazed how far this has come along in the last year.
Giving a history of Django with @frank at #DjangoCon
Hidden Gems of Django 5.x by @sarahboyce on stage at #DjangoCon
Day 3 #DjangoCon keynote with @nessita starting the day off right.
The not so secret secret to @djangocon amazing photography is Bartek Pawlik who has been our photographer since 2016. It’s rare we stops moving long enough to get a photo, but I managed to pull it off this morning. #DjangoConUS #DjangoCon #Django #Python