277 awesome .NET developers on Mastodon.

Human dotnet .NET
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& developer, runner, ex-pat Hoosier now living in the mountains of VA, supporter of ⚽️ 🏀 ⚽️ ⚽️

Hashtag disciplined: not interested in one aspect I post about? Mute it and enjoy!

Searchable via Tootfinder tootfinder.ch/

Last posted ▼ Less than a day ago
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Following 326
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Professional Java developer who loves to work on open source projects or play computer games in his spare time.

Loves to develop and use the dotnet framework for open source projects. Loves science, science fiction, space and everything that comes with it. Loves to develop games on his spare time if not distracted by playing games ...

Expert for procrastination!

Also husband of one of the best women in the world and father of single child and a dog lover.

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 264
Followers 85
Following 404
Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 849
Followers 65
Following 244
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Microsoft IT Consultant, Omnics Ltd. Tech Director at Matchnet Ltd. Programmer at heart. Bit of a thing for and . is my home, but dabble in , (and management). Loving too.

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 652
Followers 57
Following 151
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Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 1,035
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Following 29
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Programmer. I've been using Ruby on Rails professionally since 2015. Before that I was a Java and .NET dev, and before that I was messing about with Flash and ActionScript 😄

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 803
Followers 61
Following 146
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Frank Quednau
@[email protected]

Software gardener living in Germany’s South-West. EN, DE, ES.

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 408
Followers 124
Following 92

Software engineer, developer, learner, JS writer,cpp/qt enjoyer, .net/c# fiddler.

Mostly post about and and randomly funny things

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 322
Followers 185
Following 619

Pro software dev for 30+ years, These days .NET, ASP.NET, C#, JavaScript, TypeScript, and (insufficient quantities of) F#.
At work, as Technical Architect, I try to keep the developers in the teams on some kind of maintainable track while staying ahead on technical design.

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 117
Followers 19
Following 74
Jari Pennanen
@[email protected]

Developer. This is my main account for the time being. I have six profiles now on Mastodon, sigh.

I will remove followers who haven't posted anything.

, , , ,

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 2,781
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Following 1,007
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Ruben Borg Nielsen
@[email protected]

Software Developer, Tech lead.
Python, C#, Dotnet, Unity, Godot, and all things Web.
Occasionally blog about software, gaming, and other interests.
Would like to one day find time to develop some small games 🕹️🎮

🇩🇰 Denmark

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 730
Followers 66
Following 159
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He/him. Cis/het. I like , , / , and the Oxford comma. Professional computer whisperer. C#/DotNet/JavaScript. Southern England, UK.

I do not post much myself but will boost interesting and insightful posts from as diverse a range of others as I can manage.

Joined 2018-09 en.osm.town/@twpol
Joined 2022-04 mastodon.online/@twpol

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 23,247
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Following 250
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Neurodivergent ()
Founder of a ERG
Queer and Ethically Non-Monogamous
Senior Software Engineer

I post about dotnet, disabilities, late stage capitalism, and more

Mostly boosts as I hate writing my thoughts out.

Love watching Formula 1 and IndyCar
Find me @ annually and at the (before COVID)
Cannabis connoisseur
Day dreaming chef
Self proclaimed Potato King

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 1,095
Followers 42
Following 49
Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 191
Followers 181
Following 21
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Khalid ⚡️
@[email protected]

Loves @NicoleAbuhakmeh. 🚀🧠 🥑 : devrel. supporter. developer. He/Him. Living the simulation lifestyle.


Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 14,878
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Following 1,412

Full time:
* indie developer ()
* small business owner
* board gamer (unnecessarily large collection of games)
* GM/DM for RPGs

Part time:
* Software Consultant
* Miniature painter

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 685
Followers 81
Following 91
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C# / enthusiast.
I would like to give back to the community what the community gave me !
I think open sourcing software and hardware is the way to go

user since 2019

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 351
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Following 54
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Senior .NET / JS developer, writer, blogger. Be nice or I’ll write my congressperson about you.

Viewpoints expressed are my own and do not represent the views of my employer or anyone affiliated with them.

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 1,225
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Following 97
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Family, computers, science, heavy metal, health, longevity, Azure, .NET

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 248
Followers 20
Following 111
@[email protected]

C,C#,C++,Golang,Java,Kotlin,VB .net,HTML,css,js,Ruby

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 859
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Following 113