146 awesome .NET accounts on Mastodon that posted recently.

Recently posted dotnet .NET
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& developer, runner, ex-pat Hoosier now living in the mountains of VA, supporter of ⚽️ 🏀 ⚽️ ⚽️

Hashtag disciplined: not interested in one aspect I post about? Mute it and enjoy!

Searchable via Tootfinder tootfinder.ch/

Last posted ▼ Less than a day ago
Posts 5,521
Followers 323
Following 326
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xUnit.net is a free, open source, community-focused unit testing tool for .NET. xunit dotnet

Currently maintained by @bradwilson.

Last posted ▼ Less than a day ago
Posts 94
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Following 1
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I toot every time an issue or PR is created in the dotnet/runtime, dotnet/extensions or dotnet/maintenance-packages repos.

Maintained by @foo_fighter.

Sibling bot: @mauibot

Last posted ▼ Less than a day ago
Posts 1,180
Followers 87
Following 2
Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 191
Followers 181
Following 21
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Ruben Borg Nielsen
@[email protected]

Software Developer, Tech lead.
Python, C#, Dotnet, Unity, Godot, and all things Web.
Occasionally blog about software, gaming, and other interests.
Would like to one day find time to develop some small games 🕹️🎮

🇩🇰 Denmark

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 730
Followers 66
Following 159
@[email protected]

C,C#,C++,Golang,Java,Kotlin,VB .net,HTML,css,js,Ruby

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 859
Followers 123
Following 113

Software engineer, developer, learner, JS writer,cpp/qt enjoyer, .net/c# fiddler.

Mostly post about and and randomly funny things

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 322
Followers 185
Following 619
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Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 1,035
Followers 13
Following 29
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Since 2001

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 3,418
Followers 3,337
Following 43
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Develop desktop, mobile, embedded, and WebAssembly apps with C# & XAML from a single codebase.

Creators of the best UI framework for .NET 🚀

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 152
Followers 821
Following 37
Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 849
Followers 65
Following 244
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Frank Quednau
@[email protected]

Software gardener living in Germany’s South-West. EN, DE, ES.

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 408
Followers 124
Following 92
Jari Pennanen
@[email protected]

Developer. This is my main account for the time being. I have six profiles now on Mastodon, sigh.

I will remove followers who haven't posted anything.

, , , ,

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 2,781
Followers 323
Following 1,007
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C# / enthusiast.
I would like to give back to the community what the community gave me !
I think open sourcing software and hardware is the way to go

user since 2019

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 351
Followers 21
Following 54

Full time:
* indie developer ()
* small business owner
* board gamer (unnecessarily large collection of games)
* GM/DM for RPGs

Part time:
* Software Consultant
* Miniature painter

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 685
Followers 81
Following 91

Pro software dev for 30+ years, These days .NET, ASP.NET, C#, JavaScript, TypeScript, and (insufficient quantities of) F#.
At work, as Technical Architect, I try to keep the developers in the teams on some kind of maintainable track while staying ahead on technical design.

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 117
Followers 19
Following 74
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Family, computers, science, heavy metal, health, longevity, Azure, .NET

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 248
Followers 20
Following 111
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Neurodivergent ()
Founder of a ERG
Queer and Ethically Non-Monogamous
Senior Software Engineer

I post about dotnet, disabilities, late stage capitalism, and more

Mostly boosts as I hate writing my thoughts out.

Love watching Formula 1 and IndyCar
Find me @ annually and at the (before COVID)
Cannabis connoisseur
Day dreaming chef
Self proclaimed Potato King

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 1,095
Followers 42
Following 49
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Microsoft IT Consultant, Omnics Ltd. Tech Director at Matchnet Ltd. Programmer at heart. Bit of a thing for and . is my home, but dabble in , (and management). Loving too.

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 652
Followers 57
Following 151
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He/him. Cis/het. I like , , / , and the Oxford comma. Professional computer whisperer. C#/DotNet/JavaScript. Southern England, UK.

I do not post much myself but will boost interesting and insightful posts from as diverse a range of others as I can manage.

Joined 2018-09 en.osm.town/@twpol
Joined 2022-04 mastodon.online/@twpol

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 23,247
Followers 147
Following 250