278 awesome .NET developers on Mastodon.

Human dotnet .NET
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Senior .NET / JS developer, writer, blogger. Be nice or I’ll write my congressperson about you.

Viewpoints expressed are my own and do not represent the views of my employer or anyone affiliated with them.

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 1,222
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Following 97
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| @xunit's caretaker | He/him | 0.00115 miles tall

Previously: GitHub, Microsoft, and others.
Now: Living that retired life.

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 3,427
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Following 292
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He/him | Computer Engineer
I’m a regular .NET developer, electronics prototyper, amateur board game designer, and a guardian of 3 cats and 3 dogs

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 782
Followers 79
Following 176
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developer in Northern California • former worship leader now • player of 🎻 • • he/him

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 1,532
Followers 504
Following 620
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λgeek: Aleksey Kliger. I ❤ types, and 🚲&🚃 infra. Ban 🚗🚛.
I work on the .NET runtime at Microsoft but do not speak for them. Previously Xamarin.

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 1,944
Followers 339
Following 123
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Software Engineer from Barcelona ( )
Co-founder of agilogy.com
Father of 2, husband of 1.
Pronouns he/him

Last posted ▼ 2 days ago
Posts 436
Followers 19
Following 172
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Marco Siccardi dotnet
@[email protected]

Father of 2 (teenager/young adult), husband to a wonderful wife.

Working day & night as a developer (.NET stack), learning SWIFT.

Publishing software as MSiccDev Software Development. 

Runner, iPhone photographer, Apple ecosystem user.

Languages: 🇺🇸 🇮🇹 🇩🇪


Last posted ▼ 2 days ago
Posts 1,603
Followers 556
Following 1,051
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Microsoft MVP, blogger, and author of ASP.​NET Core in Action.

Last posted ▼ 2 days ago
Posts 208
Followers 1,309
Following 637
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He/him. Cis/het. I like , , / , and the Oxford comma. Professional computer whisperer. C#/DotNet/JavaScript. Southern England, UK.

I do not post much myself but will boost interesting and insightful posts from as diverse a range of others as I can manage.

Joined 2018-09 en.osm.town/@twpol
Joined 2022-04 mastodon.online/@twpol

Last posted ▼ 2 days ago
Posts 23,219
Followers 147
Following 250
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Last posted ▼ 2 days ago
Posts 1,032
Followers 13
Following 29
Markus Huggler 💻
@[email protected]

Software Engineer (.Net Core, Dotnet, C#, Angular, Typescript), very interested in Software Architecture and Methodology (DDD TDD, Cleancode, Agile), proud father of two girls and drummer, Linux (Fedora) user

Co-founder novaloop.ch

For Linux and Tech stuff head over to: fosstodon.org/@magbeat

Last posted ▼ 2 days ago
Posts 30
Followers 341
Following 811
Jari Pennanen
@[email protected]

Developer. This is my main account for the time being. I have six profiles now on Mastodon, sigh.

I will remove followers who haven't posted anything.

, , , ,

Last posted ▼ 2 days ago
Posts 2,778
Followers 322
Following 1,006
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Oscar Bazaldua
@[email protected]

From 🇲🇽, currently living in the beautiful PNW (Seattle)

Previous work 🤖 Amazon Astro (robots!), 🎮 343 Industries (Halo Infinite!), 🟦 Microsoft (Windows!). Twilio Mobile Dev SDKs

Current work: Microsoft Microchips

Interested in: 📖 🏎️ 📷 🚗 🦖 👨🏻‍💻
and of course 🐱

Last posted ▼ 2 days ago
Posts 1,028
Followers 186
Following 751

Software engineer, developer, learner, JS writer,cpp/qt enjoyer, .net/c# fiddler.

Mostly post about and and randomly funny things

Last posted ▼ 2 days ago
Posts 319
Followers 185
Following 618

Full time:
* indie developer ()
* small business owner
* board gamer (unnecessarily large collection of games)
* GM/DM for RPGs

Part time:
* Software Consultant
* Miniature painter

Last posted ▼ 2 days ago
Posts 680
Followers 81
Following 91
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Frank Quednau
@[email protected]

Software gardener living in Germany’s South-West. EN, DE, ES.

Last posted ▼ 2 days ago
Posts 407
Followers 124
Following 92

Pro software dev for 30+ years, These days .NET, ASP.NET, C#, JavaScript, TypeScript, and (insufficient quantities of) F#.
At work, as Technical Architect, I try to keep the developers in the teams on some kind of maintainable track while staying ahead on technical design.

Last posted ▼ 2 days ago
Posts 116
Followers 19
Following 74

Software engineer working in the insurance industry and based in the Midwest United States. java react docker python C# .NET 
Supporter of @eff, , , The Trevor Project, and Planned Parenthood, among others.
 and enthusiast.

Chicago sports fan, particularly the Cubs, Bears, and Bulls.

Profile pic alt text: bearded white man wearing a hat and sunglasses staring off into the middle distance

Last posted ▼ 2 days ago
Posts 135
Followers 77
Following 296
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I'm Jeff. I write code and ride a unicycle, among other things.

Last posted ▼ 2 days ago
Posts 61
Followers 82
Following 185