Droidian is going to launch phones pre-installed with @droidian #fosdem2024
#Genode on the PinePhone, 2nd talk - this is a highlight! https://fosdem.org/2024/schedule/event/fosdem-2024-3017-genode-on-the-pinephone-on-track-to-real-world-usability/ #FOSDEM2024
Can you believe it? At 10:30 UTC+1, the FOSS on Mobile Devroom at #FOSDEM2024 will start
Details on https://fosdem.org/2024/schedule/room/h1309/
If you are not in Brussels, join via Matrix https://chat.fosdem.org/#/room/#2024-h.1309_van_rijn_:fosdem.org or check the #fosdem room page above for livestreams!
If you're at #FOSDEM2024: Let's meet on Sunday at 2:00pm https://linmob.net/fosdem2024/#let-s-meet-and-maybe-get-a-sticker
Last #FOSDEM2024 talk for today: https://fosdem.org/2024/schedule/event/fosdem-2024-3319-pinetime-a-programmer-s-toy-and-beyond/
This day was a blast!