#manjaro + #steam + #linux #gaming = #opensource business. A tablet (Ryzen 4) with OSS system, ~500 gramms. Nice
#OpenSource Alternatives to #atlassian - my talk at #Fosdem has been published.
Sadly, the last minutes are missing. Here's an update: .
#bluespice and #xwiki offer data migration from Atlassian. I am not informed that any other in the competition do so, too. Wiki.js has a MS-Graph-API - interesting.
Some folks asked me at Fosdem: We did not include Drupalwiki, because it is "only" an extension to Drupal, a CMS
"Dear Stranger"
#brussels #bruxelles #fosdem
Anbody knows @jaytheauthor? Guess he needs to be liberated from the X files.
(I shared the third letter twice, for better readability)
@ownclouders #owncloud #infinitescale #fosdem #school #cloud for 5 M users in bavaria!
#opensource #CERN #owncloud @ownclouders @FOSDEM
(CERN is where ownCloud Infinite Scale started!)
Sunday, February 4, #Brussels. #LUB, #Janson, #FOSDEM :
@ownclouders #InfiniteScale at @fosdem
"How to build an open source cloud for 5 Million pupils, teachers, parents and admins"
Stay tuned for more!
JFYI: I have started a new job at ownCloud. My business card soon will say "Ambassador ownCloud Infinite Scale", but as you all know me, I'm still the same open source guy from Regensburg and will see all of you at #FOSDEM24 ?
Sleeping on the bus which is a replacement for the ICE. Fire in a signaling station in Liege. Met @chillicampari on the bus floor. @fosdem #fosdem we will make it!
I loved meeting Hugo Gonzales Labrador from #CERN today. (#FOSDEM) They are proud users of #ownCloud and were kind of the birthplace of #InfiniteScale and they are having a table with all their #opensource stuff that they are doing. Feels so great. Last year the NASA, this year the CERN. That's what I love about @FOSDEM.