I got a great feedback for my talk:
"Certainly one of the more unorthodox talks at #FOSDEM 2024, but it does carry an important message. The AI and heavy metal parts can feel a bit jarring at first, but in the end it all makes sense, trust me.
Made me miss something that I realized we don’t have much of in tech lately: fun! Makes me appreciate creators like “Programmers are also human” and KRAZAM so much more now as they carry on the spirit that was covered in the talk."
What are the free software and/or opensource events in your country /region that you would recommend. I want to give a few more talks about #heavymetal #community #Foss and #Thunderbird this year.
Boost or introductions are super helpful.
#FOSDEM, please go and give feedback on the sessions you watched!
How to do it?
- Visit the schedule
- Locate the talk you attended/watched online
- Click the "Submit Feedback" link at the end of the Links section
- Be helpful!
Thanks again!
#FOSDEM As I promised, here is the full list of the videos of the songs and the funny videos I used in my talk:
Think about your Me(n)tal Health. Be nice for no reason!
#fosdem The bad thing is that I don't see #FOSDEM and #freesoftware in the same sentence these days. Everyone is overusing the #opensource term.
Thanks to anyone who touched my ❤️ at #FOSDEM
If you were at my talk, please give me feedback https://fosdem.org/2024/schedule/event/fosdem-2024-1899-where-did-all-the-fun-go-and-how-to-bring-it-back-with-foss-/ #heavymetal #FOSDEM24 #FOSDEM