Bogomil Shopov - Бого (18)

I got a great feedback for my talk:

"Certainly one of the more unorthodox talks at 2024, but it does carry an important message. The AI and heavy metal parts can feel a bit jarring at first, but in the end it all makes sense, trust me.

Made me miss something that I realized we don’t have much of in tech lately: fun! Makes me appreciate creators like “Programmers are also human” and KRAZAM so much more now as they carry on the spirit that was covered in the talk."


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community, if you want to continue with the fun, I am organizing an event about in . Please follow @howcamp for more. I hope I can buy you a few beers there. Boosts will be appreciated, boots not so much ;)

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What are the free software and/or opensource events in your country /region that you would recommend. I want to give a few more talks about and this year.

Boost or introductions are super helpful.

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, please go and give feedback on the sessions you watched!

How to do it?
- Visit the schedule
- Locate the talk you attended/watched online
- Click the "Submit Feedback" link at the end of the Links section
- Be helpful!

Thanks again!

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The bad thing is that I don't see and in the same sentence these days. Everyone is overusing the term.

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Thanks to anyone who touched my ❤️ at

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for those of you who already woke up, good morning. Head up to (not json) for some heavy metal. I start at 9:03

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