Andy Piper (16)

That was fun! I think the @Mastodon table at was the busiest I’ve experienced at an event for a long time - so great to hear from people that use the platform every day! The team enjoyed the chance to meet you - thanks for coming by! More tomorrow…

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Excited to announce that the @Mastodon project will have a stand at ... February this year was my first time at , and this time I'll be there with a project I support! Looking forward to it. fosdem.org/2024/news/2023-11-2

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Off to Brussels today - I'll be helping to run Team @Mastodon stand at this weekend, and we are looking forward to meeting the community! Come buy some nice merch to support the project 😊

Then, a dash back to London for - I've spent the past 6 weeks working with @openuk team as speaker liaison for nearly 200 amazing speakers - it is going to be a busy and rewarding week.

After that... What's next? My freelance time opens up again. Let's work together? 👀

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A huge Thank You to staff, volunteers, vendors, and speakers! 🙏🏻

31 22 0

I can confirm that Tuba works very nicely as a Mastodon app on a Linux-based phone (specifically, postmarketOS on PinePhone Pro). Great job, @GeopJr 👏🏻

... someone asked me about good Mastodon clients for Linux phones at our booth at , so I'm excited to be able to try some out for myself.

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Hey friends! Someone just asked me at the @Mastodon booth at - what are good Mastodon client apps for a Linux mobile OS such ? I would love to hear about them (and get them listed on our website).

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If you were curious about the carousel of maps (Mapstodon infoviz, Mastodon near me) and other web things (Feditrends, embedded timelines, the Fediwall itself) on the @Mastodon booth at , there are links to them on our "Thanks" page from the event -> andypiper.org/mastodon-info/th

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What have you done with the stickers that you picked up at ? We'd love to hear / see!

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