#OpenPrinting News February: #CUPS #Snap on #UbuntuTouch, #UBPorts, #FOSDEM , #FOSDEM2024, OpenPrinting Summit/#PWG online, #GUADEC, #GUADEC2024, #OSS & #LinuxPlumbers #LPC in Vienna, #GSoC #GSoC2024, Updates of #PrinterApplications: https://openprinting.github.io/OpenPrinting-News-February-2024/
Sorry, I have to correct myself, on my posts concerning #FOSDEM2024 I told that this year was my first time giving talks on #FOSDEM, but I actually did the very first time, on #FOSDEM2002!!
It was about my first 1.5 years of work on printing with free software. In the photo you see the slides with my conclusions, summarizing the state-of-the-art of printing ...
#CUPS was in a good position in the race but actually needed some more time to actually conquer all the distros ...
For my 2 talks on the #FOSDEM #FOSDEM2024 everything is linked into the announcement/description pages now: Slides a ODP and PDF, and the video:
#Snap and #UbuntuCoreDesktop:
@thunderbird I liked most the joint dinner of #OpenPrinting and #Thunderbird on Sunday, 13 Thunderbirdies and 1 from OpenPrinting ...
The video of my talk
OpenPrinting - We make printing just work!
on #FOSDEM #FOSDEM2024 (Main Track K) has been released:
It is about #OpenPrinting how it emerged, what we are doing, #CUPS #Windows Protected Print
My #FOSDEM #FOSDEM2024 talk
Desktop Linux as easy as a smartphone – Just in a Snap!
(in the Distributions devroom) made it into #Phoronix
Usual complaining about #Snap in the comments ...
The video of my talk
Desktop Linux as easy as a smartphone – Just in a Snap!
on #FOSDEM #FOSDEM2024 (Distributions devroom) has been released:
It is about #Snap, #Ubuntu Core, #UbuntuCoreDesktop and how this all works.
@fredldotme has made the #CUPS #Snap working on #Ubuntu #UbuntuTouch:
and thanks everyone who make the CUPS Snap possible (not mentioned by him, #OpenPrinting and #snapcraft/#snapd folks).
I got note of this on the #FOSDEM #FOSDEM2024, at the #UBports booth. Thanks, @ruds for bringing me to the UBports booth!
(@fredldotme I am still waiting for your write-up)
And #FOSDEM #FOSDEM2024 is not only my 2 talks ...
It will start with inflight (or at least at-gate) sessions with @pemensik, working at Avahi, and others from Red Hat.
In the evening I will have a dinner with Canonical/Ubuntu colleages and friends: @linuxflower @3v1n0 @laney @kewisch @popey and more
Saturday evening I will meet #GSoC mentor fellows on a GSoC evening event and afterwards join the #GNOME #GNOMEbeers
I will visit booths of GSoC and #Thunderbird @thunderbird @killyourfm
Tomorrow I will travel to Brussels for #FOSDEM #FOSDEM2024! Finally back attending after soooo many years!
And this is my first FOSDEM whetre I will give talks:
One about #OpenPrinting, how it emerged and what we are doing, on Sunday, 11:00-11:50 in the big lecture hall in the K building (La Fontaine).
The second is about #Snap and #UbuntuCoreDesktop, also on Sunday, 13:30-13:55 in the Distributions room, UA2.118 (Henriot).
And I will meet many people ...