Day 1 (162)

@blinry Feeding LoRa transmitted data from the CO2 Ampel to monitoring on the Input side and querying the REST API on the output side to show service states on a bunch of .

If you want to take the sensors to talks, feel free to ask us at the Checkmk booth at in K, ground floor. We will happily borrow you one for an hour or so (we will have three in rotation).

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Great FOSDEM so far, and we are already at 50% of it. It is always so short...

Tomorrow I will try to start the day with these two talks. They seem to align with some trends I have been finding on conversations recently.


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@finn over 30m companies use my Open Source code commercially in 219 countries

Plus pFSense, IPFire, OPNSense, Endian all use my base code

I'm the old man of Linux security

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Saturday always ends at Theatre de Toone.


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Bit of history

First ever

Me sat next to RMS

It was my 27th birthday

I'm 51 tomorrow

That's how long we have been doing Open Source

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anything still happening today at ? 🙃

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Damn I did not put reminders for this year 😔
Have a nice week-end, hackers !!!

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@blinry Meet us at the booth at , we are tinkering with LoRa enabled sensors feeding data to our monitoring.

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