Tiens, à propos d'empreinte environnementale du numérique, j'écoute le talk Let's Encrypt au #FOSDEM et l'orateur insiste sur le fait qu'ils n' économisent pas le matériel. Un problème de performance ? On achète du matériel plus gros. C'est toujours beaucoup moins cher que d'optimiser (chose qui doit être faite par des humains, qui sont rares et chers).
List of Web sites that work with Dillo: Brutaldon (because Mastodon is on the other list, the bloated broken sites).
Dillo can have plugins, in any language, for instance to access to Gemini capsules but also man pages or local files (this plugin is written in shell).
Now that it is resurrected, new Web site https://dillo-browser.github.io/
Can now display math formulas on WIkipedia.
Live demo on a 15-years old computer, with 2 GB of RAM.
Dillo was created in 1999. It supports HTML and CSS (at least some part) but of course no Javascript. And no cookies by default.
The project had a long eclipse (2017 to 2024), the domain dillo.org was even lost.
The Minimalistic devroom is half-empty, which is very minimalistic, specially at #FOSDEM.
Now, I'm going to try to address the environmental fingerprint of the digital world: "Declarative and Minimalistic Computing" devroom.
I just learned that awk (declarative but not minimalistic) was created in 1977. Are there people here using it?
Discussion about ActivityPub. Is there even ONE forge software with proper ActivityPub support, allowing, for instance, to open an issue without creating an account (the number one problem reported by people about my projects hosted on a gitlab).
"Github is free. Free as in free cocaine."