And as usual I am asking #FOSDEM community for any updates to my "How to survive FOSDEM" post.
Since I wrote it 5 years ago it post with biggest amount of changes. Each year many people read it. Many times during event I was thanked for it.
So if you see some outdated info there then please reply.
Boost for visibility.
#FOSDEM 2025 is coming. First version of schedule is already present, some speakers uploaded slides already.
So my "FOSDEM videos" table covers next year of conference already.
Automated FOSDEM videos page using Github Actions.
Page will be updated at 03:03 every 3rd day of month.
During days after FOSDEM it will have more updates.
My "FOSDEM videos" page got some updates:
- new DataTables
- use of my common templates so all my pages share code
You can check all talks from 2012 for slides and videos. There is page showing all years at once so you check all talks of YOUR_FAVOURITE_SPEAKER at once.