Friendly.rb 2024

Day 1 (92) Friendly.rb (218)

Rosa @rosapolis opening the conference

"I think this community is incredible. I go to a lot of conferences and out of all of the conferences I had last year, Friendly.rb was my favourite”

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Playing live on the stage @adrianthedev and @yarotheslav are playing a game called Friendly Poing written by @juliancheal in

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Celso Fernandes @celsovjf talking about Ruby in the Billions

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Rosa @rosapolis explaining how encoding works with UTF-8

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Rosa @rosapolis “Unicode is big”

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"We launched @buzzsprout in 2009" @tomrossi7

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Rosa @rosapolis going through the history of encoding text to bytes

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"Broken Access Control is the most common security problem" - @gregmolnar

- Strong Authorization
- Whitelist approach
- UUIDs are not equal to authorization (UUIDs can be leaked for example)
- Foreign keys (eg. Allow user to set the foreign key for an association

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"Profit is not necesarly gonna make you happy" by @tomrossi7

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