Nice detail: Celso @fernandes showed @CrystalLanguage on his @friendlyrb slide with fast languages.
And he just said that he's a "huge fan of Crystal". 🤩
#friendlyrb #conference #FriendlyRB2024 #Bucharest #crystallang #crystallanguage #crystal
Nice, Julian is giving a talk at @friendlyrb about creating games with @amirrajan's #DragonRuby and the retro style of the first slide already makes me happy!
#ruby #conference #friendlyrb #FriendlyRB2024 #gameprogramming #Bukarest
Now @hharen continuing with her @friendlyrb talk "BUILDING FOR WEB AND MOBILE IN 2024: PRODUCTION STORY AND BRIGHTER FUTURE WITH RAILS 8".
#friendlyrb #ruby #rails #FriendlyRB2024 #hotwire #Bucharest #mobileapp #rubyonrails #conference
The day starts with SQLite Jesus aka @fractaledmind with his @friendlyrb talk "Everything you need to know about #SQLite on #Rails"
And he just released #enlitenment which gives optimal #SQLite performance on #RubyOnRails.
Now @gregmolnar is giving a talk about #OWASP at @friendlyrb in the context of #rails.
It had been a while since I saw an OWASP talk.
#ruby #conference #Bukarest #FriendlyRB2024 #friendlyrb #security #rubyonrails
TIL that you can enable Tail Call optimization in #Ruby as well 🤯
#ruby #rails #friendlyrb #bucharest #fibonacci #recursion #FriendlyRB2024
The amazing @rosa on @friendlyrb talking about #unicode. 🎉
#friendlyrb #FriendlyRB2024 #ruby #conference #strings #Bukarest
Every time @adrian is selling an Avo license.