Nice, Julian is giving a talk at @friendlyrb about creating games with @amirrajan's #DragonRuby and the retro style of the first slide already makes me happy!
#ruby #conference #friendlyrb #FriendlyRB2024 #gameprogramming #Bukarest
Closing out day 1 @friendlyrb with a panel discussion on Ruby at scale.
Nice detail: Celso @fernandes showed @CrystalLanguage on his @friendlyrb slide with fast languages.
And he just said that he's a "huge fan of Crystal". 🤩
#friendlyrb #conference #FriendlyRB2024 #Bucharest #crystallang #crystallanguage #crystal
.@lucian is moderating a panel on "Ruby at Scale" with @fernandes, @crplanas, @hharen, and Alexandru Călinoiu at @friendlyrb!
The creator of the #Ruby language @yukihiro_matz sending a message to the @friendlyrb conference
"I think you as members of Ruby community are my friends!"
How to get to #friendlyrb
We shot a short video to show you how you can get to the location
Playing live on the stage @adrianthedev and @yarotheslav are playing a game called Friendly Poing written by @juliancheal in #DragonRuby
.@tomrossi7 talking about lessons learned when building a SaaS at @friendlyrb!
Horia Coman from @stripe talking about #Ruby and Stripe office in Romania
“We have about 20 million lines in Ruby”
“A lot of the success is owning to Ruby”
“We want to be close to the community. We want to help build the local eco-system.”
Next up @friendlyrb is Nabeelah Yousuph talking about how one database index massively improved performance