27 awesome F# accounts on Mastodon that posted recently.

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Last posted 4 days ago
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Pro software dev for 30+ years, These days .NET, ASP.NET, C#, JavaScript, TypeScript, and (insufficient quantities of) F#.
At work, as Technical Architect, I try to keep the developers in the teams on some kind of maintainable track while staying ahead on technical design.

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 117
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Linux enthusiast, guy who does stupid programming stuff, and occasional F# evangelist(seriously, you should really try F#).

Last posted 4 days ago
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Data is lovely ... Unfinished haiku

I spend my days (and some other times) building intensive systems. by trade. Farmer by happenstance. Absurd by default. I love reading and deeply understanding as much as I can. Quality time with friends and family is the most important thing to me.

arguspbi.com Operating can be dramatically better!

@ me if you're frustrated with Power BI operations.

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Last posted 4 days ago
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Mangel Maxime
@[email protected]

Active open source contributor around , and

Last posted 2 days ago
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I like lots of things, but most of my thoughts are on coding, especially F#.
Previously full-stack but currently mostly dev-ops.
Trying to be a good person to all.
Also @[email protected] (and GitHub, Tumblr)

Last posted 6 days ago
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Jonathan Moosekian
@[email protected]

Curious about everything under the sun, behind the sun, and inside the sun. Rock turner until I’m dead. I also software quite a bit. C# / F# / Flutter / Rust and many others. I like taking things apart and trying to put them back together. I grow things, I bake things, photograph things, and pet all the animals.

Last posted 3 days ago
Posts 419
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