216 awesome Go accounts on Mastodon.

golang Go
Shoshana 🏳️‍⚧️
@[email protected]

Software engineer (C#, Kotlin, Golang, Java, Rust, Python), I really like housing, bikes, and nice communities 👩🏻‍🦰 ✡️ 🇮🇪 🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️

Lilah tov moon, lilah tov cow jumping over the moon 🌕 🐄

Last posted 1 day ago
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@[email protected]

🧙 a magical musical man 🪄

Trying to follow a million bajillion zillion accounts! 0.0

I make music, music tutorials and animations all the time, so stick around if you like what you see. :)

I'm also the guy behind OddNugget.com - an alternative search engine for Gopher and other protocols.

Last posted 5 months ago
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Gnocchi didn't!
@[email protected]

blocks cryptobros.
so the bot knows I'm okay with it: tootfinder.
building: @bivouacwiki

Last posted 7 months ago
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I am interested in:
* (, , , tech leadership, , , , )
* &
* & the next-generation ways of working
* random nonsense (current events, memes, )

Multicultural mongrel: born in Sweden to Finnish parents, former Londoner now in Switzerland. You can @ me in , , & .

Pronouns: he/him.

All Toots expire after 2 months.

Last posted 6 months ago
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Jeremy Morgan
@[email protected]

I'm Jeremy, and I help developers get better at what they do.

Geek, Developer, Tech Blogger, and Volunteer Firefighter.

I once held the world record for being the youngest person alive.

Last posted Less than a day ago
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@[email protected]

• Coder in Sydney, Gadigal land
• Bass/Rhythm/Lead guitar
• Bouba in the streets;Kiki in the sheets
• I run a couple of bots.
• I do , currently working with a system and learning at the same time, which is giving me mental whiplash

User image and header are both from the animated series "Gravity Falls" in which a fictional President of the USA issues a bill worth -$12.

Last posted 1 day ago
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Security researcher working on , , , , , , , , , , and stuff. For fun I write , build projects, and in circles.

I am the founder & CEO of runZero (@runZeroInc - runzero.com), the first step in security risk management and the best way for organizations to understand their exposure through comprehensive asset inventory.

Previously I was the founder and lead developer of Metasploit, a CSO, a consultant, and the head of various security research teams.

Pronouns are He/Him

Discovery tags:

Last posted 1 day ago
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binaryphile 🥥🌴✅🇺🇲
@[email protected]

golang neovim android bash bitcoin ethereum fosstodon git signal


There are 10 kinds of people in the world...

I follow easily but unfollow and mute just as easily. No offense

Progressive father and husband, software developer in his 50s

Avatar is the robot Bender from the animated show Futurama, on a background of ones and zeroes.

Profile splash graphic is the cover of the boardgame , a favorite board game of mine.

Last posted 2 days ago
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Lev Lazinskiy 🏳️‍🌈
@[email protected]

I live in San Francisco and love transit, reading, writing, music, journalism, , chess, cooking and eating. I'm dreaming of a world with 1 minute headways 24/7.

Currently hacking in and and helping remove toil from CI/CD at @dagger_io

Last posted 4 days ago
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David Martínez Martí
@[email protected]

Developer or something like that. Or gamer. No idea anymore.

(from , ) living in

Google SRE, Network related (all my opinions are my own)

I use everywhere. if possible. I use it for gaming too.

I love gaming and coding. I am also in favor of Open software and .

10+ years working with , now using at work and at home.

I've used for 8+ years and it's the best database ever. Period.

Last posted 3 months ago
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Ann Arborite, computerist, cat dad, best on the mountain, my initials are BAD so all my ideas are BAD ideas. . keybase.io/bdimcheff. DM for signal.

also @bdimcheff on a2mi.social for Ann Ann Arboreal things.

were a mistake but I do etc. I like in particular and in general. Have been known to .

Last posted 4 months ago
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Infrastructure Engineer, PSM I, PSPO I, SAFe SA, Amateur Radio, LoRa, IoT, Satellite, Raspberry Pi, GoLang. Unexpected Engineer. Higher Education. Views my own

Last posted 2 days ago
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freeformz 🏳️‍🌈
@[email protected]

by day - mostly , , &
(traditional & CNC) & by night

Also , , , , , , , , , , & more

Staff engineer @ Fastly

Formerly: Heroku/Salesforce/Engineyard/Interlix/LearningPatterns/UBS/PaineWebber

I’ve been doing “computer stuff” since the 80’s. East coaster (NY/NJ) in the PNW (PDX Area). Married 25+ years to Latina Phd

Bluesky: @freeformz.me

Last posted 1 day ago
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Aaron W | ☕️
@[email protected]

Open Source Engineering + Developer Relations at Microsoft + Azure ☁️ | Go (golang) K8S 🐧 🐍 🦀 ☕ 🍷📷 🎹 | 😷 💉💨 | 🇨🇦🌏🇮🇱

Last posted 1 week ago
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Birdland Handle:@ajsmiller. 
* I do DevOps and Testing. 
* I can fly both vim and emacs.
* Prefer rubylang, LISP & golang to python
* Exorcising Windows since version 1.0.
* Sufficiently bilingual in EN-GB & DE-DE to have both citizenships
* Haven't spoken Welsh for decades. 
* Live near a Dreiländerpunkt
Background picture shows early spring trees in the local woodland.
Avatar is a picture of me taken after the camera ate certain mushrooms.

Last posted 1 month ago
Posts 673
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Peter Van Eynde
@[email protected]

Happily mangling data and containers at Cisco, they don't pay me enough to talk for them. I'm also doing the network at FOSDEM for a few years already.

Mostly using Golang/Python in development and ML. Of course using Linux, also a infosec and general networking guy, used to do a lot more Common Lisp and Debian.

Multilingual, so expect retoots and content in a mixed set of languages... I have a 'Belgian' account (mostly Dutch/French) at @pvaneynd

Last posted 3 days ago
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Staff Software Engineer at , working on the , , and other facing features. Building in , , and (with a soft-spot for ).

Formerly at Clio, Pivotal Labs, Codecademy, Words With Friends & Xbox Games.

Last posted 1 day ago
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@[email protected]

Cybersecurity researcher, , , C/C++, , , you-name-it programmer, evangelist, dad. I wrote a malware analysis course. Feel free to hit me up about Cyber Threat Intel, , , , or anything open-source. Was a contributor in a previous life. One cell of .

Last posted 1 week ago
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Chris Allison
@[email protected]

Chief Data Officer Public Health Agency of Canada | (He/Him)
@ToferC on Twitter

Last posted 3 months ago
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Last posted 1 day ago
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