216 awesome Go accounts on Mastodon.

golang Go
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Fursuiter DJ, backend software engineer, occasional artist. Not the better-known producer. Core Contributor for @mixxx going on 15 years. Arts Co-lead for a regional Burning Man event.
, , , ,
Somerville, MA

Icon by twitter.com/BearlyFeline

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 3,834
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Óscar J. Baeza vm
@[email protected]

Backend engineer (senior developer & playing with , and ), early bird fitboxer, old-school podcaster, synesthete & true neutral.

Tech, food, sci-fi, (cosmic) horror, sneakers & low-profile mechanical keyboards.

Also known as OJ.

vm php laravel xbox nintendo

Last posted 1 day ago
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Platform Engineer.
Technologist for many years.

Post about open-source software / joke around / meet some interesting people.
This is a personal account full of opinion, may not be the views of any current employer.

Blowing up kubernetes things in the platform lab.

Asking the question, was that a mistake or just experimentation output?

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 1,197
Followers 70
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ever since i was young, i've loved food

opinions are my own
software engineer | uses
i use mastodon as my rubber duck 🦆

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 569
Followers 43
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Jeremy Morgan
@[email protected]

I'm Jeremy, and I help developers get better at what they do.

Geek, Developer, Tech Blogger, and Volunteer Firefighter.

I once held the world record for being the youngest person alive.

Last posted Less than a day ago
Posts 150
Followers 711
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Brandon Bennett
@[email protected]

Network Robot Mechanic @ Roblox. Ex-Facebook. Ex-Juniper.

Father and Husband. Electric and German car enthusiast.

fan, n00b. Automate the Planet!

Last posted Less than a day ago
Posts 229
Followers 95
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Open Source Enthusiast | Software Engineer | Golang | Frontend | Backend | TypeScript | Node

Last posted 2 days ago
Posts 841
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@[email protected]

• Coder in Sydney, Gadigal land
• Bass/Rhythm/Lead guitar
• Bouba in the streets;Kiki in the sheets
• I run a couple of bots.
• I do , currently working with a system and learning at the same time, which is giving me mental whiplash

User image and header are both from the animated series "Gravity Falls" in which a fictional President of the USA issues a bill worth -$12.

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 5,516
Followers 294
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@[email protected]

A flying dinosaur, isn't it cool?

Last posted 2 weeks ago
Posts 166
Followers 48
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just a dude trying to level up

Last posted 4 months ago
Posts 6
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Andrii Soldatenko 🇺🇦 🦀 rust
@[email protected]

Public speaker, software engineer and contributor. Neovim. Python and Golang.
Currently learning 
Blogger at asoldatenko.org.

Last posted 3 months ago
Posts 106
Followers 249
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Serge Matveenko ♻️☮️Ⓐ
@[email protected]

IT pragmatist · FLOSS advocate · Opinions are my own · python rust dartlang golang

Last posted 1 week ago
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Vincent Zee 徐
@[email protected]

Programmer interested in and many more! Currently learning F#. User of . Collector of books!

Also into and

Last posted 1 week ago
Posts 249
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Tomas Aschan [ɐ̆sˈkɑːn]
@[email protected]

I'm a software engineer at Spotify, building internal developer tooling on Kubernetes - mostly golang and python. In my spare time I also dabble in haskell, rust and open-source software in general. I'm a choir tenor. I'm learning how to dad, while my son learns how to human (it's great!). I like a good story. I think empathy is probably the most important quality in a person.

Last posted 1 week ago
Posts 487
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Charles Hartman
@[email protected]

Software Engineer in medical technology, mid-life career changer, studious learner. Currently working with , , , and .

Former entrepreneur, small business owner, and art dealer.

Portland, Oregon, USA

Current other interests (dang this list is long): , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Last posted 3 months ago
Posts 128
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Polyglot, using PHP since version 3, currently leading technical delivery and change in a Python, backend team.

I Love Linux, NodeJS, TypeScript, Python, PHP, Ruby, Golang, C.

Can be a snark, especially if stressed.

Last posted 7 months ago
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Likes: Twisted, Python, Chesterton's Fence, Consequentialism, Utilitarianism, Filk.

Dislikes: AGI X-risk, Golang, Classical Music.

Opinions are my own, not my employers.

Last posted 1 month ago
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Oliver Andrich
@[email protected]

Loves coffee, code and a good conversation.

CTO of alfa Media Partner in Germany. Loves and with and . Besides that I enjoy , and sometimes even .

„Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.“

My personal non-tech account is @[email protected] on my own instance, with mainly German language content.

Last posted 3 months ago
Posts 661
Followers 126
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Stephen Weber
@[email protected]

Complex human seeking complex systems.

USA-ian. Studying software archaeology, the Finnish language (), and . I've accidentally taught my huskies to let me know that standup is running too long.


This is my personal account, may contain opinions such as Black Lives Matter, Trans Rights are Human Rights, and that fascism and misogyny must be opposed.

Last posted 3 weeks ago
Posts 325
Followers 24
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Torsten Bronger
@[email protected]

Aachen, Germany
Free Software development (, , ), ,

Title image by Kemi Neko (pixiv.net/en/users/864706).

Last posted 3 days ago
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