Gophercon Europe 2024

Day 2 (10)

Getting ready for my lightning talk "A Small Update About TinyGo" here at GopherconEU

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A wild Gopherbadge Adventure game has appeared! Starting day 2 at GopherconEU written using @TinyGo by the amazing @conejo

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Hearing about "How To Win Frames And Influence Pointers" from @felixge at GopherconEU

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Shouldn’t have to be said, but please do not have long whispered conversations during talks. It distracts everyone around you.

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Now hearing from Johnathan Amsterdam about "HTTP Routing Enhancements" here at GopherconEU

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But why don’t we have one of these for test coverage rules 😭.

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An approach more people should be taking to performance.

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Schere Stein Papier at gophercon EU.

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