haskell Haskell
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Bartosz Milewski
@[email protected]

Physicist, programmer (Haskell, C++), mathematician, category theorist. Author of Category Theory for Programmers and The Dao of Programming

Last posted 1 day, 6 hours ago
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Fractional-CTO, and polyglot software engineer (, , , , , , , ) with focus on building and scaling infrastructure, platforms and SaaS products end-to-end.

Tolerates writing for good money.

Has a penchant for , , , .

Antifascist, immigrant, gay af, she/her.

Last posted 6 days, 6 hours ago
Posts 1,800
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Haskell Weekly
@[email protected]

Articles, projects and tutorials about .

Weekly newsletter: discu.eu/weekly/haskell

Last posted 1 day, 6 hours ago
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Last posted 1 day, 6 hours ago
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Compiler Explorer
@[email protected]

I'm a website that lets you type in C, C++, D, Rust, Haskell, Ispc, Java and other compiled languages, and then I compile it and show you the assembly output.

I can also run those programs and show what they'd print.

But not here, I'm not a bot, I'm a person and this account is for status and help with the site.

Last posted 5 days, 6 hours ago
Posts 101
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Hacker with a . Bass Teacher and Musician. (Currently accepting students, online or on-site) antifa (he/his)

Last posted 2 days, 6 hours ago
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José A. Alonso
@[email protected]

Mathematician interested in the study and teaching of computational logic, functional programming (Haskell) and interactive theorem proving (Lean, Isabelle/HOL).

Last posted 1 day, 6 hours ago
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Marshall Abrams
@[email protected]

Philosopher of science and occasional scientist. Mainly philosophy of evolutionary biology, philosophy of probability, implications of modeling and statistical inference in evolutionary biology. New book, Evolution and the Machinery of Chance, 2023. Sometimes I write biological or social science simulations to investigate or illustrate philosophical or other theoretical ideas in biology or anthropology. (Favorite languages: Clojure, Idris (learning), OCaml, Haskell, NetLogo, R.)

Last posted 4 months ago
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Functional roboticist. 
Robots, Haskell, Rust, nix, emacs, FPV… and the rest of life, too.

Last posted 3 days, 6 hours ago
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Author 20+ books, mostly on AI, LLMs, deep learning, semantic web, Lisp. 50+ patents. My books are free to read (or buy DRM free copies) online leanpub.com/u/markwatson

Last posted 2 weeks, 3 days ago
Posts 276
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Dysfunctional programmer • Test infected • XP practictioner • Writes bugs in C# F# Haskell Lisp • Loves Emacs and Cherry MX Blue

Last posted 1 day, 6 hours ago
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Interests in no particular order: , , , , (Boardgame), (Retro and Indie), , ,

If you want to follow me, and we don't know each other in meat space, your profile should give me an idea about who you are.

Last posted 1 day, 6 hours ago
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I am a mathematical physicist and work as a software developer at Heilmann Software.

I spend most of my time coding , , , am a co-maintainer of nixpkgs.haskellPackages and a member of the Steering Committee. Apart from that I love choir singing, ballroom dancing and playing Dungeons & Dragons.

Try out my projects:


Last posted 1 day, 6 hours ago
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洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)
@[email protected]

An intersectionalist, feminist, and socialist guy living in Seoul (UTC+09:00). Who's behind @fedify and @hollo. Write some free software in , , , & . They/them.


Last posted 1 day, 6 hours ago
Posts 366
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Vitaly Bragilevsky
@[email protected]

Developer Advocate at JetBrains (Rust, Kotlin, IntelliJ IDEA/CLion/Fleet). Former university lecturer teaching programming languages and other topics in CS. Author of Haskell in Depth (Manning publications, 2021).

Last posted 1 day, 6 hours ago
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I am a partner and Haskell Consultant at Well-Typed LLP. I am also a member of the Haskell Foundation Board, and a co-host on the Haskell Interlude podcast and the Haskell Unfolder YouTube series.

Posting mostly about Haskell, but occasionally also about books I'm reading, video games I'm playing, and other things that interest me.

Last posted 1 week, 1 day ago
Posts 482
Followers ▼ 369
Googly Eyed Peas
@[email protected]

Immune compromised Scala/Java/Golang/Rust/Haskell self employed developer, stuck at home because of how mild COVID is. Getting rather pissed off about it. Father of autistic boy. Anti-fascist. See a nazi, punch a nazi. 🌈 I hold the opinion that convicted billionaire fraudsters should go to big-boy prisons and not minimum security country clubs (ok Emma?)

Last posted 4 months ago
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Long time software developer.

Working on low level systems software and high level languages.

Worried about the rise of fascism. Worried more about inhumane murderers just km from me, who murdered 1500 people in cold blood, in 1 day.

A proponent of cancel culture, wokism and lots of virtue signaling!

Last posted 2 days, 6 hours ago
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A programmer from Aotearoa (otherwise known as New Zealand). I have also lived in China but I'm back now.
Antisemites (specifically including Likud supporters) and other racists dni.

Last posted Less than a day ago
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- Some tech origins, mainly beginnings of , CP/M, , and thus / . Fond of too. Looking up to and .

- Network infra /IP, and progress.

- Standard editors such as vi () - after about three decades of growing into it, more and more of .

- Text interfaces, , ,

- Fan of version control, coming from through

- Not a luddite at all, but I don't favour all tech or all vendors.

Last posted 3 days, 6 hours ago
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Emily, putting the gay into transHaskellrust

, , , and nerd hoping to flood the internet with my rambles and projects. Also an Arch arch user btw

Feel free to DM me and say hi :)

Last posted 2 days, 6 hours ago
Posts 2,224
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Haskell / Scala developer, author of specs2 and registry

Last posted 1 week, 1 day ago
Posts 342
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Paolo G. Giarrusso
@[email protected]

Exploring Mastodon.

PhD in Programming Languages. Formal Methods Engineer at Bedrock Systems — Coq/Scala/Haskell/Agda — geek — formally verifying C++

Last posted 6 months, 2 weeks ago
Posts 369
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Julian Stecklina
@[email protected]

Does low-level systems hacking for food. 🌍🇪🇺🇩🇪🇷🇴🇪🇸🇺🇦 | @blitzclone on Twitter

Last posted 1 week, 1 day ago
Posts 128
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Patrik Jansson
@[email protected]

Computer scientist, hacker, catalyst of research ideas, likes to connect the big picture with formal details, software & language technology advocate.
Have worked on Domain-Specific Languages of Mathematics, , Climate Impact Research, Parametricity for Dependent Types, Testing, Parsing, polytypic programming, ...
(Using tootfinder.ch)

Last posted 1 day, 6 hours ago
Posts 603
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Queery {PL,Q}T; my gender is carbohydrates & the colour pink. 💝

I write a lot of for the ecosystem!

DMs open; indexed on tootfinder.ch; other keywords:

Last posted 1 month, 1 week ago
Posts 749
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She/they 🏳️‍⚧️ //
Haskell, Rust, types //
DMs are open

Last posted 1 week, 2 days ago
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Computer scientist pursuing a PhD degree with a focus on automated testing of software for embedded systems using symbolic execution. In my spare time, I am also a regular contributor to Alpine Linux. Additional interests include functional programming (mostly Scheme and Haskell), software security, operating systems (Alpine Linux, OpenBSD, Guix, RIOT), and computer architecture (mainly RISC-V).

Last posted 1 day, 6 hours ago
Posts 102
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Interested in augmentation


Last posted 1 day, 6 hours ago
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Romain Ruetschi
@[email protected]

Rust dev at work • Playing around with Swift and SwiftUI at home • Used to work on formal verification for Scala • Haskell enthusiast • Web dev in a previous life • I like 🐈🎾⛷️ 🧗‍♂️🛹👟

Last posted 5 days, 6 hours ago
Posts 143
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Frédéric Menou
@[email protected]

I mostly pouet about software development, do bad puns, and troll acquaintances. Also , , and alikes.

Last posted 1 day, 6 hours ago
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Functional programming, compilers, virtual machines, gamedev, web.

Last posted 7 months ago
Posts 404
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Standard Jabberwocky
@[email protected]

R/N Gordie Freedman. Serial booster. ExNeXt, Kaleida, Boston music. Writing code, playing guitar and bass, mucking about with math and code. Some photos and irony may be posted, along with musings about music, tech, film, books, physics and philosophy. Will try to avoid politics and Elon Musk jokes but no promises.


Last posted Less than a day ago
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Go see me at @mttaggart. Displaced Philly boy. Threat hunter. Streamer. Educator. , rust, python haskell, and javascript. advocate. Runs @thetaggartinstitute. Made wtfbins.wtf. Co-creator of github.com/mttaggart/Offensive. Not your bro. All opinions my own.

Pronouns: He/him.

M.Ed | Sec+ | CISSP | eCTHPv2 | eWPT | CRTO

Last posted 1 month ago
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Kalamata Hari
@[email protected]

Indoor European. I know . I write (in or or or or ).

Last posted 1 day, 6 hours ago
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Software developer with an interest in using formal verification methods for solving business problems. I've also had a lifelong interest in mathematics.

Last posted 5 months ago
Posts 190
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Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.
@[email protected]

Born 1980-05-15 in Mena, AR
Cis White Male He/him
Liberal Democratic Socialist Idealist
Professional Haskell Programmer
Lives in Cove, AR
(24 years resident of Fayetteville, AR)

Please use Wire (or Signal) for private messaging.

Last posted Less than a day ago
Posts 8,042
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Axman6 | 🇦🇺
@[email protected]

Haskell hacker
~Studying CyberSecMasters@UNSW~
Crypto(graphy: 👍 | currency: 👎)
ACT SES volley
@Axman6@🦤 and everywhere else

Last posted 5 days, 6 hours ago
Posts 443
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There is No Magic
@[email protected]

I am a Haskell programmer, and former physicist. New York City. Was @ThereIsNoMagic on twitter, @ThereIsNoMagic

Last posted 1 week ago
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Software Developer, currently creating theme and template websites for sale and sharing what I've learned about it.

I am interested in moving the web forward, so I read and share a lot about , , , , , , and .

I am also interested in languages like , , , , and .

I like languages like , , too.

I am a , believer, and advocate.

Last posted 1 day, 6 hours ago
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math. programming. fancy types. haskell.

Last posted 1 day, 6 hours ago
Posts 4,750
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@[email protected]

Interests: gaming, films, Haskell, Nix, Anti-capitalism, the Small Web, cooking.

Last posted 6 days, 6 hours ago
Posts 242
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Carlos Saltos
@[email protected]

Coding with Scala, Elm, Haskell, Python, Erlang, Gleam, Rust, Java and Ruby on Linux and OpenBSD
Co-Founder of Talenteca.com
For geeks -> @csaltos

Last posted 1 week, 4 days ago
Posts 174
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Jesse Hallett
@[email protected]

Software engineer in NYC. Dad. Nerd. I work at Hasura. I'm into , , , , . Also sometimes .

Reducing wealth inequality is a big issue to me - IMO it's an issue with one of the highest conceptual simplicity-to-world improvement ratios. So sometimes I step out of the tech zone and post things like and .

Pronouns he/they

Last posted 6 months ago
Posts 164
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Associate professor of CS at Hendrix College in Conway, AR. Open-source Haskell development, education, competitive programming, type theory, category theory, combinatorics, etc.

Last posted 4 days, 6 hours ago
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Astronomer. Interested in Open Science, how to do Science, Haskell, Semantic Web, and other stuff.

Secretary of the Astrostatistics Interest Group of the American Statistical Association for 22/23

Last posted 2 days, 6 hours ago
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I like maths, nature, literature, people. Sometimes found fiddling with emacs or haskell. Cat lady. I am brazilian and I have .

Posts are multilingual (pt or en). If you don't want to see portuguese posts, you can filter them out in your settings.

Last posted 3 days, 6 hours ago
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is my day job.

are the other things I like to do.

I enjoy listening to ; reading non-fiction (, , ), , and ; and watching quirky tv shows.

Last posted 1 day, 6 hours ago
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Sebastian Graf
@[email protected]

Talk to me about Haskell, GHC, static analysis, PL design and theory, general CS, or my trumpet

Last posted 2 weeks ago
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